Link Me Up, Scotty - Badass Women Edition

Friday, December 16, 2016

Buzzfeed brings us their annual Badass Women You Didn't Know About in 2016 list. All of these women deserve my admiration and respect, but I'm especially impressed by those who would risk their safety in an effort to live in a more egalitarian society.

I just have to share this, and I'm still trying not to be politically confrontational over on the Book of Face, so you get the benefit of my sarcastic humor here at HCDSM:

This actually made me LOL.

The New York Times editorial board publishes an opinion piece on what President Cheeto's cabinet picks have in store for themselves. Even though these people think they're above all the plebeian requirements of being vetted for conflicts of interest and financial shenanigans, they're really, really, not. Because the requirements are different between the President and the Cabinet, and the vetting for Cabinet members is a matter of law rather than one of personal ethics (of which President Cheeto has none).

(NYT: Mainstream Media source with minimal partisan bias)

A report on how Russian hackers compromised America's cybersecurity. We are so fucked.

 (NYT: Mainstream Media source with minimal partisan bias)

President Cheeto is constantly criticizing how the media covers the things he says.
For the last month I decided not to do interviews, because they give interviews and they chop up your sentences and cut them short. You will have this beautiful flowing sentence where the back of the sentence reverts to the front and they cut the back of the sentence off, and I say I never said that. So, I said, you know what, I am not going to deal with them. They are very dishonest people, I said.
"Beautiful flowing sentences." Sure. Well, Vox decided to explore that claim with some professional linguists to see what was really going on. Their results are far more complex - and more enlightening - than "Trump speaks like a 1st grader with ADHD," which is what I thought.

(VOX: Skews left but still a reliable sources of in-depth news)

Those ridiculous MRAs (Men's Rights Advocates) have apparently found a new home with the Alt-Right, other wise known as the Misogynist White Nationalist Men for the Regression of Human Rights. Shocked. Shocked I am by this turn of events. Not.

(New Yorker Magazine: Skews left, is considered as biased as the conservative publication The Economist for comparison purposes)

FactCheck has their annual "FactCheck Awards" where they highlight some TV ads that made them laugh out loud and either shake their heads or scratch them. I love FactCheck.

(FactCheck: Non-profit centrist, dedicated to truth in journalism)