Llink Me Up, Scotty - Nothing Could Go Wrong Edition
The Atlantic's cover story on the Presidency of Barack Obama, written by 2015 MacArthur fellow Ta-Nehisi Coates. Like most of Mr. Coates' writings, this one is long, but so worth the time to read it.
(The Atlantic: Skews left but still a reliable source of in-depth news)
President Orange is the New Black's pick for Ambassador to Israel is farther right on the topic of Israel/Palestine relations than any Ambassador in history. He considers Jewish Americans who believe in a two-state solution to be worse than kapos (Jews who helped the Nazis run concentration camps in exchange for special privileges).
(VOX: Skews left but still a reliable source of in-depth news)
An excellent guide on why spammy click-bait on Facebook is bad for you. Actually, it's bad for everyone. Think of the children.
Black Lung Disease is surging in Appalachia, which is understandable since the government was under reporting the rate of incidence by over 900%. But we don't need OSHA, or any of those other interfering regulatory bodies to protect our workers. No, Siree. THE FREE MARKET WILL TAKE CARE OF EVERYTHING.
This makes my heart ache for those families. What a horrible, painful way to die.
(NPR: Mainstream Media source with minimal partisan bias)
Do you feel helpless to enact change in light of the completely out of control upcoming White Nationalist Administration? Lots of people do. But here's a helpful guide on how to take action written by people "in the know" - former progressive Congressional staffers. Let us move forward with courage and conviction, my friends.
H/T Eleanor
Both the FBI and the CIA agree that Russia's interference in our election process was designed to help President Orange is the New Black win the Presidency. This is my shocked face. No, really - totally amazed that this turned out to the be case.
Also NOT SHOCKED that when I wrote my Senator about this issue (Cory Gardner, for those keeping score at home), he referenced a Department of Homeland Security report from mid-October as a justification for doing nothing. Want to guess Senator Gardner's political party? I knew you could.
(NPR: Mainstream Media source with minimal partisan bias)
An opinion piece from the New York Times by a professor who has been placed on the "Professor Watchlist," an online repository of university teachers who "advance leftist propaganda in the classroom."
McCarthy would be so proud.
Fuck "Turning Point USA" and the horse and carriage that brings them to school on their parents' nickel. I would go out of my way to take a course from any professor who makes it on this list, whether I agreed with their specific flavor of politics, or not. Because fuck you and your "Watchlist," you dictatorial pieces of shit.
(NYT: Mainstream Media source with minimal partisan bias)
The fascinating story of the etymology of "Xmas." It's not an insult, y'all.
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