My semi-celebrity platonic boyfriend Eric Garland on the issue of intelligence gathering and analysis in light of the recent Trump/Russia fiasco. I performed my military service during the Cold War. As such, I have a healthy respect for Russian shenanigans, and for the life of me, I just cannot understand why more long-term public servants aren't screaming from the rafters over these issues. Pootie did not just suddenly become our friend, y'all. No, seriously - he didn't.
Eric Garland: The personal website of futurist Eric Garland, Executive Director of Competitive Futures
Professional historian and Smart Man David provides a view of what's in store for the American people over the next year. Or as he puts it, he's presenting "the crystal ball of suck, there for those who are willing to see it." Angels and ministers of grace, defend us.
4 Quarters, 10 Dimes: The personal blog of David, a History Professor who chooses not to use his last name on-line.
Apparently our President-Elect is tapping a private equity investment firm executive with no military or government experience to be the Secretary of the Navy. I strongly, strongly believe in civilian control of the military. But couldn't we get some people to head up our Armed Forces who actually have a fucking clue instead of billionaire sycophants? I cannot TELL YOU how glad I am that the Smart Son is no longer on active duty. But I still worry about everyone else's smart sons and smart daughters. The crystal ball of suck, indeed.
(WaPo: Mainstream media source with minimal partisan bias)
Here's something to make your brain explode. Because I'm a giver like that.
John Lewis? Who is this John Lewis of whom you speak? |
Because that's what Congressman John Lewis is known for - his complete lack of leadership, action, and results.
Also: John Lewis's books sold out after this. Schadenfreude, sometimes I love you.
@realDonaldTrump: The stream of consciousness Twitter feed of our President-Elect, proving that the best Republican President in history was oh-so-right: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."- President Abraham Lincoln, rolling over in his grave and weeping for the Republic.
As a counterpoint, Outside the Beltway's Steven L. Taylor has some comments on whether or not PEOTUS is "legitimate," and what that really means, anyway. TL:DR: He is legitimate, and liberals should be careful about throwing around such terms as a matter of public trust in our institutions. But he still feels Republicans are basically douchenozzles for attacking Representative Lewis' civil rights record:
The need to tear down John Lewis’ civil rights record is unseemly and unnecessary. And Republicans/conservatives should look in the mirror and wonder why they are frequently considered to be racist given that their knee-jerk reaction when discussing persons involved in the civil rights movement seems to all too often be to denigrate and downplay, if not outright dismiss their contributions to change (as well as to basically minimize conditions in the US at the time and what needed to be done about them).Outside the Beltway: An online journal of politics and foreign affairs analysis written by a highly educated and ridiculously qualified staff.
From the "misery loves company" files: Professional douche Martin Shkreli is pelted with poop at UC Davis during a protest against a planned event where professional shitbird Milo Yiannopoulos was to appear. The event was subsequently canceled, as are other events where professional shitbird Yiannopoulos is slated to appear, because their conservative sponsors cannot afford the extra security required to ensure no one gets hurt while he conducts his hate-mongering.
sfist: A website about San Francisco. I have confirmed all aspects of this story with WaPo except the poo-flinging. But I think the idea is funny, so I'm leaving it in with an accuracy caveat.
My favorite Christian Pastor provides a list of 10 Acts of Resistance we can all engage in on January 20th. I myself have already committed to 1, 2, 5, 8, and 10, not just for the 20th, but for the duration of the crisis.
(Stuff That Needs to be Said: The personal blog of Pastor John Pavlovitz)
Video of my Heart: Sharon Springs, NY farmer Jay Lavery dances through his chores in his barn at the Permaculture Inn. Let us make a joyful noise.
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