Link Me Up, Scotty - Let's get the Hell out of here edition

Monday, January 30, 2017

I've signed up for the United State of Women. They're a nation-wide activist organization dedicated to a variety of things including promoting women in STEM, equality for the LGBTQ+ community, ending gender based violence, and more. I like that their message is positive, and that they're organized in a way that allows people to engage with the organization in whatever way they want, supporting whatever issues they care about.

Turns out the President's promise about Mexico paying for his wall between the U.S. and Mexico was (gasp!) not true! Instead, you and I will pay for it in the form of new taxes on imported goods from Mexico. It also turns out that the project is statistically likely to be an epic fail in every way imaginable. And so it continues.

Not to be left out, scientists are planning a march on Washington, too. This is a non-partisan effort, advocating for the responsible application of empirical science in government. Fact-based decision making - a cause I can get behind.

From the "Liar, liar, pants on fire" files: The President's first week in office has been defined by false claims, inaccurate statements, and exaggerations. Is anyone else shocked by this turn of events? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Ken White over at Popehat gives some context to the daily announcements of our President's shenanigans. Hint: He's not the first President to indulge in said shenanigans.

Part 1 of an analysis on the Patient Freedom Act (PFA) of 2017, a Republican proposed Bill to replace the ACA. 

With all those gag orders being issued against Federal Agencies, the Free Speech specialists over at Popehat provide a quick cheat sheet on what is considered protected speech by Federal employees, and what isn't.

The President's proposed immigration ban has an interesting aspect to it. Countries with business links to Trump aren't part of it. Shocked. Shocked I am by this selective "safety" screening.

The President has reorganized the National Security Council, giving his white nationalist butt-monkey Stephen Bannon a place at the table, and removing the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Director of National Intelligence from the regular committee meetings unless issues relating to the Armed Forces are discussed. Because why would you want people with actual experience at the table, when you can have your personal, private, unqualified goon there?

Immediately after the President issued his Executive Order regarding Muslim immigrants to the U.S., the ACLU and other organizations challenged the order in Court on the grounds that it violated the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the U.S. Constitution. The Judge issued a Stay on the order, so it will go to court to determine the Constitutionality of the Order. This particular win, while small and temporary, gives me hope and faith in our future. We can challenge (and win!) against an Administration with ill intent for our Republic.

A day with the women scientists protesting Trump. These are my peeps.

Today's Sources:
  • NPR: Mainstream Media source with minimal partisan bias which will soon lose its funding under our current president
  • Outside the Beltway: An online journal of politics and foreign affairs analysis written by a highly educated and ridiculously qualified staff. 
  • WaPo: Mainstream media source with minimal partisan bias
  • Popehat: A group blog about whatever its authors want. Often its authors want to talk about free speech, liberty, criminal justice, the legal system and its foibles, and related issues. But Popehat isn't a law blog, and what is published there isn't legal advice. They also like to talk about games and what you might call geek culture. 
  • SkepChick:  The Skepchick Network is a collection of smart and often sarcastic blogs focused on science and critical thinking.
  • Fortune International: Skews right but still a reliable source of news.  
  • American Civil Liberties Union: A charitable organization dedicated to working in courts, legislatures, and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and the laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country.
  • The Atlantic: Skews left but still a reliable source of in-depth news