Turns out most Texans don't give a good goddamn about bathroom legislation. Even more Republicans don't give a shit than think it's an issue that needs to be addressed. Can you say "pandering?" I knew you could.
In a secretive, opaque White House run by White Nationalists and thin skinned megalomaniacs, it's important for people of good conscience to have an avenue to whistle-blow without losing their jobs. Since 45 won't tolerate people who disagree with him, that avenue has become the press, and they're trying to make it as easy as possible for those people to contact them.
H/T Steve
The New Yorker with some extremely in-depth reporting on Russian interference in U.S. elections and the new Cold War. This is a long piece, and well worth your time. TL:DR: It's both better and worse than you've been led to believe.
What the hell is wrong with people? No, really - what? At least the family's neighbors stepped up and did the right thing.
An interesting point of view about how white men who are celebrities can get away with pretty much any damn thing they want.
The subject of yesterday's missive to my Senators and Representative: 45 intends to increase the military budget by ~10%. This, of course, is the stupidest thing I heard all day. The United States Armed Forces are absolutely ready and capable of responding to an act of aggression by a foreign state. With extreme prejudice. Over and over and over. Our military is the strongest, best equipped, best funded military organization in the world. Why increase their budget other than to show that you equate your penis size with the size of our Armed Forces?
45 now believes that President Obama is behind the leaks and protests that have plagued his White Nationalist Administration. So glad our former President has been able to find a second career as an agent provocateur and closet leader of the The Resistance. In fact, here he is, coordinating protest efforts and secret White House leaks with the aplomb that characterized his entire presidency:
Sneaky bastard.
Charles Pierce of Esquire tells us why he'll never sympathize with regretful Trump supporters. This. As I said in November to the 47% of Americans who voted for 45, this is your dumpster fire. If it turns out that your lives are worse under 45's White Nationalist Administration rather than better, then you've only yourselves to blame and I don't want to hear you crying about it.
H/T Brother Matt
I am firm believer in the "Your childhood may have been awful, but it's over" train of thought. There comes a time in every individual's life where they have to take responsibility for their own problems, their own feelings, their own future, without blaming their childhood circumstances. But there are certain things that can plague adults their entire lives due to the environment in which they come of age. These characteristics aren't an excuse to behave badly, but research on these environments does provide a useful rubric for examining our own behavior and making meaningful change. Here's one that examines my own personal history, 10 Things to Know About Children of Alcoholics.
Video of my Heart: 4 year old Claire Ryann sings "How Far I'll Go" with none other than Moana herself, Auli'i Cravalho.
Today's sources:
- The Texas Politics Project: A project of the University of Texas at Austin providing political data, events, and research materials to students and faculty.
- NPR: Mainstream media source with minimal partisan bias and highly factual reporting.
- The New Yorker: Left bias with a high degree of factual reporting.
- DenverCBSLocal: Local CBS affiliate with minimal partisan bias and basic reporting.
- Esquire: Left bias with a high degree of factual reporting.
- Reach Out Recovery: A nonprofit dedicated to addition education, prevention, and recovery.
- Elle: A magazine dedicated to fashion, culture, and beauty.
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