My favorite Christian Pastor on the marginalization of families of color compared to our obsession with 45's shitstorm of daily Tweets on the supposed State of the Union. Some things matter. Other things don't. And I would say the disappearance of young girls of color matter far more than 45's most recent temper tantrum.
Rescue dogs are the bomb-diggity, and we still don't know exactly how the olfactory sense works. A short synopsis about what we know so far, including an appearance by Sue, the Chicago Field Museum's T-Rex.
A spinach leaf is transformed into beating human heart tissue. No shit.
H/T Brother Juan
45's popularity is steadily dropping - it's now lower than President Obama's worst approval rating over his entire presidency. But that's not really the bad news for 45 and his White Nationalist Administration. His approval rating is dropping among his base.
Remember those Turd-Pops who tried to discredit Planned Parenthood with their "undercover videos" that turned out to be complete B.S.? Yeah. Them. They've been charged with15 felony counts of violating the privacy of health-care providers by recording confidential information without their consent. I believe that people of good conscience can fundamentally disagree about the topic of abortion - I believe it to be a real moral dilemma, and I respect the positions of those who disagree with my own analysis. But I have to ask - if your position is so all-fired righteous, why do you need to lie and mislead in order to further your point of view? Douchebags.
I swear, Sean Spicer has gone completely off the rails, condescending to and insulting April Ryan, White House correspondent and Washington bureau chief for American Urban Radio Networks. On television. And women - including Hillary Clinton, who is now making public forays once again - are not having it.
Oh, look - Republicans in Washington, D.C. care more about corporate America's desires than they do about their constituents. Shocked. Shocked I am by this turn of events. Every day we come closer to Corporations becoming our actual government, and it makes me more than a little ill.
Today's sources:
- Things That Need to be Said: The personal blog of Pastor John Pavlovitz.
- PBS Newshour: Skews left but still reliable source of news with highly factual reporting.
- National Geographic: Consists of legitimate science or are evidence based through the use of credible scientific sourcing with a high degree of factual reporting.
- The Washington Post: Mainstream media source with minimal partisan bias and a high degree of factual reporting.
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