Link Me Up, Scotty - Do the Right Thing Edition

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Professional badass and superior role model Sally Yates speaks to Harvard Law graduates how the defining moments of our lives come without warning. Every time this woman speaks I admire her more.

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox has a message for 45, and schools him most appropriately.

A Denver Post sports reporter is now in the unemployment line after tweeting how uncomfortable he was with a Japanese driver winning the Indy 500. But it wasn't "personal," so I guess it's okay.

A different look at feminism and how women seizing power is the best avenue towards the ultimate goal. I am a feminist, and can see the value in this argument. Because, after 27 years of work in the civilian world, I am still the only woman on my team, and the only woman in my chain of command.

I love Alamo Draft House and want to have its babies. As another writer pointed out, the men opposing their "women only" screenings of Wonder Woman have a serious case of How can I make this about me? Which is basically the motto of the MRA movement.

Elephants in a refuge rush to greet and comfort an orphaned baby when he's brought in. Elephants are so cool.

For Memorial Day, let's remember the Code Talkers who so successfully helped the United States and her allies win WWII.

Religious scholars issue a joint fatwa against suicide bombing. So where's the joint statement from evangelical White Christan leaders against racist fuckwits who harass Muslim girls and then stab their defenders to death? Just askin'.

Teen Vogue addresses the issue of radicalized white terrorists in our nation's narrative. *cough*institutional racism*cough*

I apologize for the lack of cited sources information this time. I'm out of town, and blogging from my iPad is a pain in the ass.