Of course, I can't really be blamed for voting "no" on every single Amendment or Proposition. The utterly douchebaggery of what made it on the ballot this year forced my hand:
- Amendments 60 and 61, along with Proposition 101, are such complete pieces of crappola, everyone recommends a "no" vote. While doing my research, I couldn't find a single mainstream organization or candidate who thought these legislative abortions are a good idea.
- Amendment 62 is the so-called "personhood" Amendment. I've blogged about this idiocy before, and really, it's not getting any better with age.
- Amendment 63 is the "fuck you, Obama-care" Amendment. This incredible piece of demagoguery is Colorado's chance to amend its Constitution in a way that basically tells the Federal government, "You're not the boss of ME!" Very mature. Not to mention that these fuckwits don't have a viable alternative to the individual mandate.
- And as usual, the Colorado Constitution has a variety of Amendments on the ballot, because evidently the Colorado Constitution MUST BE AMENDED every two years, in numerous places, for no apparent reason other than to fill up the ballot.
I'm glad it's much harder in Minnesota to amend the constitution. And if you really think the calls are going to stop before election day, well... will you share whatever you're doing with me?
It's encouraging you actually realize your language is foul.
Um, thank you?
Scott, I'm unsure of the point of your comment. If my language offends you, then feel free to go away and never come back. If not, and I missed the joke, then welcome.
It's not a joke at all. Some folks are so lost, they don't realize their foul language is actually foul. There's some hope for you.
I see. So basically you feel fully justified in coming to my on-line home and pompously informing me that because I'm self-aware enough to realize my language may not be appropriate for all audiences that there's "hope" for me?
As opposed to what? Someone who is so presumptuous and arrogant that they feel justified in attempting to school a complete stranger in their own space?
You'll forgive me, Scott, if I don't feel like I need your approval or your good opinion of my worth as a human being or my future prospects.
Yes, I do. And, of course, you are fully justified to delete my posts and ban me from your on-line home.
As opposed to people who don't realize their foul language may not be appropriate for all audiences.
You're right, Janiece. It's not my approval you need.
Scott, if you're going to try and take me to task, then please at least have the intelligence, gumption, and research skills to do so on a matter of substance, rather than whether or not I use the word "fuck" on my personal blog.
But if you must persist in your finger wagging, then please go do it somewhere else, as it's incredibly boring and pointless.
I believe the use of foul language is a matter of substance. I've heard adults use incredibly foul language and listen to music with terribly foul lyrics in front of children many times. It's good to know that some folks like you who use foul language would not do so in the company of children nor condone it.
On this blog, I am the only arbiter of what is a matter of substance, and I determine what the topic of conversation is. If you want to discuss the downfall of Western Civilization as a result of the excessive use of four letter words, then feel free to do so on your own, empty blog.
But here, you will stick to the topic of conversation, i.e., Colorado's current ballot, or I'll break out the Shovel of Doom™. Last warning.
Those fucking propositions seem pretty fucking awful. It's fucking great that you get to vote on them. That's the American way. Don't change the constitution. Fuck, it's an ideal document the way it is. It fucking guides my life.
Fuckin' right, Mega.
Those fuckin' douchebags need to ...uh...do whatever. Fuck yeah!
Hee. I find it amusing that the Colorado Constitution guides the life of a Canadian blogger.
America - Fuck, Yeah!
Probably the best analysis of the use of the word "fuck" in all its glory is in Paul Fussell's book, "Wartime: Understanding and Behavior in the Second World War," notably Chapter 7: Chickenshit, an Anatomy.
Scholarship! Fuck yeah!
I love my readers. My readers* - FUCK YEAH.
*Not to be confused with my trolls. Who are more along the lines of: My trolls - you're not even amusing.
I meant to do that before I left, but ended up not having the time I would prefer to properly research the issues. I'll do it as soon as I get back and drop off the mail-in ballot instead of mailing it. :)
Goodbye, Mr. "You use foul language but I forgive you because I'm such a magnanimous douchebag with delusions of relevancy."
One evening last week my caller ID indicated the call was from someone named:
IMPORTANT w/an unfamiliar area code
Now, while there are many Important people in my life, they all have real names that show up on my ID. I did not answer the phone.
Did check on the area code though -Montana, anyone? Do not know anyone there. I decided it was a robocall, as I'd had several already, including one from Florida, on the outcome of the Georgia elections.
Oh, yeah, and one recent weekend I was out of town I had no less than 9 attempts to reach me by the Republican Party of Georgia. OMG-ROFLMAO! The did not leave a message.
I too, join your party of NO. If I'm allowed. I might not use enough foul language but I'm a willing student. Teach me obi wan....
PS - thank you for breaking out the shovel of doom on fuck-head.
Stacey, it was my pleasure.
It is ironic and hypocritical that the Jesus-hating terrorist Scott Melvin Evans would comment.
I know from personal experience.
I live two blocks away from where Scott bullies people nearly every Saturday (Scott Evans calls his bullying and harassing behavior “sidewalk counseling”). We all know exactly who Scott is and every single time I drive by there (like this past Saturday morning), he is out there with a ridiculous looking small video camera mounted to his shoulder, makes terrible loud noises blowing on some horn, all in some vain attempt to overcome some major insecurities, and all while trying to videotape everyone and violating everyone's right to privacy. My neighbors and I have researched these people and almost all of them are criminals!
Scott Melvin Evans and convicted criminals Jo Anne Scott (convicted of federal charges of conspiring to bomb a clinic!) and Ken Tyler Scott (convicted deadbeat dad!), are all Jesus-hating "sidewalk counselors" and have disgusting, photo-shopped signs, bloody plastic children's baby dolls, morbid "baby caskets", and fake 'abortion' posters of bloody babies, and these are all over the streets in our neighborhood. They have giant signs of miscarriages and knowingly falsely present them as "abortions".
I was appalled at what I witnessed out on the public street! Their tactics are awful and even anti-human. I met several of the other horrible bullies next to the driveway on that Saturday and got their names: Beau Ballentine, Leslie Hanks, Tony Massey, and Cliff Powell. They are out there regularly and are yelling nasty stuff too. They all try to emulate Scott Evans or Ken Scott's aggressive, obnoxious, anti-Jesus behaviour.
They know no boundaries, are very loud, obnoxious and aggressive and I can often hear them yelling and making noise from my back yard! NONE of my neighbors want to drive near these horrible images and activities, especially when we have our young children in the car. Everyone reading this take a minute and imagine how you would feel if you had these grotesque signs lining the streets in your neighborhood! We are sick of it. These "protestors" all seem to try to video tape and intimidate anyone who drives down Pontiac street here in Denver and will lie to and mislead ANYONE who they can get to stop to listen, or otherwise is within earshot.
These “sidewalk counselors” are out there nearly every day, and apparently paid to be there by Bob Adolph Enyart of Denver Bible Church in Arvada.
Fact: “Pastor” Bob Adolph Enyart was sentenced to 60 days in jail for beating a 7 year old boy so hard with a belt that he bled! This is the kind of person he truly is the leader of the pack and Scott Evans and Ken Scott follow his every whim, doing the devil’s work.
They do so much harm to the anti-abortion cause, which should be peaceful. I personally would like to see us get to the point where abortion is rare or non-existent.
Anyone that associates with these people will be judged the same way by the public and by God (as mentally ill, sadistic and psychopathic!) There is a special place in Hell for all of these people, but it's just as well, since these "sidewalk counselors" hate Jesus and are doing the devil's work.
I am a member of a very large and REAL Christian Church south of Denver and our Pastor gave a wonderful sermon on Sunday about how these "sidewalk counselor" bullies blaspheme the name of the Lord. Our Pastor encouraged us to engage Voice of Choice (http://www.vochoice.org) to help attempt to get the protesters to see that this should not be about anyone's stance on abortion, but to NOT BULLY and NOT HARRASS your fellow human beings.
Hundreds of the parishioners have contacted Voice of Choice and offered their services to do what they could do to help. I hope you will do the same. Please pray for the protesters!
Mary, I think you're barking up the wrong tree with this particular screed. While I fully agree that Mr. Evans is a complete douche, it's very unlikely that I would give a crap if he hates Jesus, and it's even more unlikely that I would "pray" for him or anyone else.
In the future, you might want to keep your proselytizing to non-Atheist sites. Please do not return.
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