A Month of Gratitude

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
I have a good friend who, like me, is not a big fan of the holiday season. The weather and the constant barrage of crappy holiday music, along with a unstated expectation that everyone should "be of good cheer" tends to wear me down. Add the fact that December is almost always insanely busy for me from a professional perspective, and I usually just CAN'T WAIT FOR IT TO BE OVER.

In an effort to lighten the mood my friend has decided to try a new goal - to find (and post) a daily gratitude for the rest of the month.

Since I'm short on time and blog fodder this month, I've decided to steal her idea, and try and do the same.

So for today, I'm grateful that in spite of my daily stresses, I have a job for which I'm uniquely qualified and that gives me a sense of purpose and sufficient financial resources to lead the life I want. There are plenty of people for whom that cannot be said, especially in the last two years, and I'm thankful not to be among them.

H/T to the lovely and intelligent Jeri for the inspiration.


WendyB_09 said...

At the moment, and for the past week or so, your weather had been much better than Atlanta!

Currently you're at 55F and clear, we're at 35F and cloudy.


Anne C. said...

I'm with Wendy. Since I grew up where it was cloudy from November through March (and recently experienced four days of cloudiness on my trip to SF), I will say:
I am grateful that I live in a place that's sunny more often than it's cloudy, especially in the winter.

The Mechanicky Gal said...

Seconded on the unique qualifications and a field that needs them. Although the only people hated MORE than QA is Safety, it's still a challenging job that I have, and it pays well.
I am SO thankful.