Hiatus (Sort Of)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
I'm a bit under the gun for the rest of the month. Between the Vortex of Suck, a training "boot camp" next week that is going to require 10-12 hour days, my Hot Mom's 70th birthday bash, and a planned holiday-palooza with the Smart Man's family, I'm not entirely certain how much time I'll have for blogging.

Yes, yes, I can hear the peanut gallery now - "You always say that, and then end up blogging more than you do when you're not busy!"

Well, yes, I suppose that's true, but if I actually end up NOT BLOGGING and I don't warn you, then where will we be? I'll tell you - I'll end up getting e:mails from people wondering why their dancing monkey is falling down on the job. And if I don't have time to blog, then I certainly don't have time to respond to multiple inquiries about my blogging suckage.

So I'm indulging in a preemptive strike. You have been warned. And so have I.


Anne C. said...

Obviously, I'm pretty lax about blog upkeep myself, so I don't mind, but if it's worrying you, you could try having a guest blogger or two (or however many). If it's someone you trust and whose writing you enjoy, it wouldn't require much (if any) oversight.

Love you lots, hon. Just keep swimming!

unsion = wait... is it go on 3 or 1, 2, 3 and then go?

mom in northern said...

Dory was right...just keep swimming. Something might be gaining on you...