Free Shit Friday Winners...

Sunday, June 26, 2011
...of the homemade raspberry jams are Thordr, with a random number of 29, and Carol Elaine, with a random number of 15.

Carol Elaine, I have your address, so you're set. Thordr, please send your snail mail address to hotchicksdigsmartmen at comcast dot net, and I'll get those in the mail.



Carol Elaine said...

Happy happy joy joy!

*dancing commences*

Thank you!

Thordr said...

Home made biscuits, homemade raspberry jam, I'm going to have to make some homemade butter now. See all the work this involves? Oh well, eating is definitely in my top three favorite activities.

Carol Elaine said...

Thought I was going to have to cut someone on Saturday, when I went to pick up my raspberry jam (I didn't hear the knock on the door the day before - stupid vacuum) and the post office was closing - an hour early. With no signs to let the customers know. I managed to get the jam, but it was a close thing.

And it was soooo good. Tasty, tasty jam.

Thank you, Janiece!