Angels and Ministers of Grace, Defend Us

Thursday, June 16, 2011
Or least give us some ideas for our damn blogs.

Like my friend Eric over at Standing on the Shoulders of Giant Midgets, I have been singularly unmotivated to write about anything of substance here lately. There are a variety of reasons for this, but the most pertinent one is that my brain is simply FULL. I'm extremely busy at work (in a good way), I'm trying to read more, I'm concentrating on living a bit more healthfully, and I have a creative project I'm trying to finish. All of these activities take cycles, and rather than giving my family, friends or day job the short end of the stick, I'm afraid that HCDSM has been re-prioritized to the bottom of my very large pile.

But I'm not content to let it stay there, and that's where you, my loyal (or drive by, or whatever) readers come in.

Since it worked so well for my friend Eric, I'm soliciting ideas for content. Some of what Eric has written in response to his readers' requests has been some of his most insightful essays to date, and so I'm shamefully stealing his idea in the hopes that it will work for me, as well.

So I'm asking you, the Hot Chicks and Smart Men of the Internet, to pose questions that you'd like me to write about. Let me have it, not-so-gentle readers - I need an assist from my minions.


Beatrice Desper said...

If you could do ANYTHING and get paid for it, what would that be?

Nathan said...

What the hell is wrong with you?

(Hey, I'm predictable.)

Oh, and BTW...I started the Stross book and I'm loving it. I pretty much only do coffee in the morning on weekdays, so the Apple Butter Report will have to wait (as if there's any question).

Carol Elaine said...

Janiece, who wrote the Book of Love?

Megan said...

Perhaps you'd like to respond to the latest e-mail from my online stalker who fancies himself a Marine and hates gay people with all his heart?

Let me ask you a question Miss Shrink whats your take on these pyromaniac fetish freaks these ones that like to sear themselves into the ER every other weekend you know obtain for themselves beautiful third degree burns but instead of learning their lesson they continue to burn themselves onto the arson list and a lot of times into their graves (answer this it does relate)

David said...

At what point did you stop and say to yourself, "I think I have finally got the hang of this 'life' thing"?

Not when you had it entirely figured out, since if that were the case you should be sitting on a mountain dispensing advice to the rest of us. Just when you got the hang of it.

Or, alternately, the same question I asked Eric: Do you relax by doing something else or by doing nothing?

Eric said...

If it's not too personal to ask: I'd love to know more about your decision to join the Navy. (I hope that counts as a question, or set of questions.)

A related question or set of questions if it's not to personal: I'd also be interested in your decision to leave the Navy for the private sector.

anissa_roy said...

What are the best and worst parts of living in Colorado? What advice would you give to someone considering a trip there versus someone planning a move? Why yes, I am something of a travel geek.

Jeri said...

WTF is a pompatus of love?

Seriously - we've talked about your decision to cultivate a slow life, a deliberate relaxed lifestyle to manage health and stress and etc.

Can you write a little bit more about what made you turn that direction and what steps you took to put it in place and be happy with it?

Anne C. said...

What are your top five/ten favorite movies (or, if you prefer, TV series) and why?

How did you get started on the jam-making (the making jam for others, I mean)?

Did you have a pet before Boogie?

Would you go into space if you had the opportunity?

Unknown said...

Ahhh so many questions for such an interesting lady and since some were already asked, here's the rest: why knitting, how did that come about? what are the best and worst parts of a marriage? what do you like better, a son or a daughter, and why? if you could meet anyone in the world and ask them one question, who/what would it be?

Janiece said...

I have the awesomest readers on the Internet. Unlike poor Megan.

Dana Teel said...

I too am an avid reader, mostly sciency fiction and fantasy. I wish I had the creative spark to create, but alas, I am satisfied with my lot in life. Like you I spent some time in the Navy, retired in 1998. I like your style. I'll be back to see what comes of the ideas.

Janiece said...

Welcome, Dana. Fellow vets are always welcome here. Unless they're Ayn Rand boot-lickers, of course.

LucyInDisguise said...

An Eric inspired question (not for me so much, but for my grandson):

What is the Marine recruiter NOT telling my grandson that is swaying his decision away from the Navy?

And, perhaps more important, could you give your five top reasons why he should choose the Navy over the Marines?

(11 months to final commitment)


LucyInDisguise said...

Clarification (may be) needed:

I have given him my best shot at why the Marines would not be a good fit, but I am clearly biased (mostly based on my interaction with Marines through my Interservice Honor Guard duties* when I was in the Air Force - not actual day to day exposure).


*(All of them were DEAD. Way too many funerals. I still refuse to attend them. I'm even planning on skipping out on mine!)

Anonymous said...

What would you NEVER EVER do for money? Even if it were millions?

Unknown said...

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