Free Shit Friday - Blackberry Jam

Friday, September 2, 2011

Today's Free Shit Friday item is two jars of homemade Blackberry Jam. Hmm...jam.

The winner won't be selected until next week, because I'm going to be busy this weekend taking care of busy Auntie business. With my AWESOME, AWESOME NIECE. Which is FAR MORE important than jam. Or free shit.

Da rules.


neurondoc said...

Me-me-me-me-me! You could make a executive decision and give them to me this weekend, instead of waiting until next week. That way you won't have to pay postage. :-)

Phiala said...

Ahem. I think neurondoc should be disqualified for cheating.

Thus making it that much more likely that I win the jam fairly.

Steve Buchheit said...

Hmm jammy jam. Nope, Phiala, you're going to have to slug it out with the rest of us.

You know, in the way that makes pillow fights seem too violent.

Dr. Phil (Physics) said...

(*waves hand*)

Oooh - ooh - ooh! Pick me! Please.

Thank you.

That is all.

Dr. Phil

Megan said...

Oh, pleeeeeease! Pleeeeeease!

I just ran out of jam -- I was saving it and using it in tiny bits, and the LAST LITTLE TASTE was gobbled up a few days ago. This is just cruel. Cruel!

Phiala said...

Hey! I entered the random number draw. It's that suspicious character neurondoc that was trying to get an unfair advantage.

I love when Blogger flubs the captcha, and all it says is "visual verification," which never works when I type it it.

Carol Elaine said...

You know I'm always there for Janiece's jam.

Pretty please?

vince said...

Pump up the jam, pump it, pump it up. And send it my way please.

neurondoc said...

I'll have you know that (sadly for me) there were no jars of jam at lunch today. Phooey.