I suspect I may be entering menopause. We will now pause so the gentlemen can run, run, run away.
I'll spare you the gory details of my symptoms, but I have to say, it's about bloody time. I've been struggling with my reproductive health for years, which has included such delights as crippling back pain, chronic anemia, and occasional insanity.
I asked my GYN to schedule a hysterectomy, but she narrow-mindedly informed me that it wasn't yet necessary and put me on mild HRT to stop my periods. But now symptoms are reappearing, and I feel like calling her and demanding, "Now? How about now? Will you rip it out NOW?"
Sista from Another Mista The Mechanicky Gal tells me that I can now blame ALL MY PROBLEMS on menopause. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Shredded tires. Sudden death. Forgetfulness. An inability to exhibit any kind of patience.
I know some women dread menopause, and consider it a burden to be managed. Me? I've been looking forward to this shit for years, years, and CAN'T WAIT.
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A true gentleman never runs from any conversation, though he may, on occasion, duck.
I threatened to find another Doc unless I got my way.. :-)
Worked too...
Does this make you The Hot Flash Chick?
JstPam wins the Internet!
Hot chicks flashing? There's something you maybe shouldn't Google without turning on Safe Search....
My captcha, I kid you not, is "ballism". Whether that's a term to describe patriarchal religions or a form of misanthropic discrimination, I'll leave to you.
You and my wife would get along. It came with a pre-cancerous diagnosis, but she was quite happy to have the hysterectomy.
Duck, David, duck. Trust me.
One of my meds made me lose my period for two years. I could have had a party every single month just to celebrate.
Then, my idiot gyn put me me on a medicine to bring them back. That was in October. I've had one period since then that made me cry and put me in the fetal position for a day.
I'm supposed to go BACK to her and get another pill if the periods don't continue. That WILL NOT HAPPEN. One period was enough.
I think there should be a world wide push for a Nobel Prize for the (probably female) scientist who can figure out how to get rid of periods forever.
We need it to clue us for pregnancies? No freaking way. If we can pay for viagra we can pay for pregnancy tests!
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