The Fibonacci Scarf

Thursday, April 5, 2012

By popular demand, here is the Fibonacci scarf. I went up the sequence to "21," then came back down in complete rows. Now to find time to get it in the mail...


vince said...

Scarves and math - an awesome combination.

IllanoyGal said...

Aha!! You were talking about the number of ROWS you were going to knit in each color. Aha!!

And I was picturing you knitting one stitch, then turning around and knitting two stitches, then turning and knitting 3 stitches, then turning and knitting 5 stitches, then turning and knitting 8 stitches, etc. It would have given you a nice 'tail' on each end of the scarf by the time you got to 21.

Hmmm....I may try that anyway, just to see how it works.

It any case, that's a great color selection you made and I hope the wearer finds it quite warm and cozy. Thanks for the picture.

Thordr said...

cool:) have you done Pi?

Laura = ^.^ = said...

Really pretty scarf!

Little musical interlude for the mathematically minded.