Free Shit Friday - Blueberry Lemonade Jam

Friday, May 17, 2013

Today's Free Shit Friday offering is a pint of Blueberry Lemonade jam, now with more lemony flavor (due to popular demand).

da Rules.


vince said...

Me please!

Shawn Powers said...

Thank you Vince! Little did you know, I recently changed my name to "Me", so that's two votes in my direction. YESSSSSSSSSS! ;)

mattw said...

Oh, that sounds amazing. Count me in, as in me, not Shawn.

Laur said...

Sounds yummy, please add me (myself, not Shawn) to th erandom mixer. Thanks, have a great weekend.

Steve Buchheit said...

lemony, mmmm

- CGL - said...

Oh, yes PLEASE, Janiece! (I will even share with my family if I win.)

Unrelated: do you have a copy of _They Call Me Naughty Lola_? (If not, you're about to receive one.)

Beatrice Desper said...

Me, s'il te plait!