Free Shit Friday - I Got Nothing Edition

Friday, May 31, 2013
I'm out of jam and shoes to give away, so for today's Free Shit Friday giveaway, I'm offering either my undying affection, or a made-by-me hat and scarf set in the colors of your choice. Yes, I realize it's almost June and you won't be able to use it until much later in the year. I told you - I GOT NOTHING.

The winner of the Pear Nutmeg Jam is Carol Elaine, with a random number of 8. CE, I'm not sure I have your new address, so please let me know where you want me to send the goods. Enjoy!


mattw said...

Why should anyone need anything more than your undying affection?

Janiece said...

See, this is why Matt is my favorite.

Random Michelle K said...


I want your undying affection! Pick me!

Stacey said...

Your undying affection keeps my heart warm. Your hat and scarf in a color of my choice can extend it's reach while we apart.

Steve Buchheit said...

me, me, me, pick me. Or, something like that.

- CGL - said...

Oh. Oh, yes please, Janiece!

Carol Elaine said...

WooHoo! Damn, I have seriously got the jam winning mojo! I need to back out again so other folks get a chance. I'll email you my new address.

I have no need for a scarf/hat, for I've already won such a set, but I would love to put my name in the ring for your undying affection.

Anne C. said...

I want in on this undying affection opportunity. Me! Me! Me!