Miscellaneous Monday

Monday, June 10, 2013

The plants, they're trying to kill me

I love Spring. Since I'm not a huge fan of the snow and the cold, I'm always so pleased and happy when things start to warm up and I'm able to get outside.

Except for the itchy eyes, runny nose and sneezing, that is.

The plants here in Colorado have always been the enemy of my immune system. Over the years, I've lived and visited many other regions, in many other climates and geographies. But Colorado is the only place I've ever lived where I have hay fever, and Spring is when it's at its worst. SO ANNOYING.

In my mind I'm going to Carolina

Specifically, Charlotte. I'm leaving Friday for a conference, which means I get to have dinner with the erudite and always entertaining Eric while I'm there. Seeing people I wouldn't otherwise get a chance to see is one of the very best things about traveling for me, and I'm looking forward to it.

A poorer place

Today would have been Maurice Sendak's 85th birthday, and the Google Doodle commemorating this event is pretty great.

I always loved Mr. Sendak's books, and the world is a poorer place without him in it.


Anne C. said...

Say hi to Eric, Evan, and Kat for me. :)

anissa_roy said...

Funnily enough, I'll be in the NC mountains this weekend. I'll wave in the direction of Charlotte for you.