I'm sure I'm not the only one who's getting sick to death of the
constant fear-mongering associated with the current outbreak of the Ebola
virus, aggravated by the fact that a number of cases have been diagnosed here
in the U.S. Some of the doozies from social media:
The terrorists are using Ebola to spread plague
in the U.S. in order to strike terror in the hearts of God-fearing Americans. I
think our own stupidity manages that just fine on its own, thankyouverymuch.
The President is using Ebola to kill all the
white people in the U.S., presumably by killing a bunch of black Africans first
- the very people such conspiracy theorists claim he's working for.
People with Ebola should be euthanized to ensure
the spread of the disease is stopped. Perhaps we should page Dr. Mengele, as well, as long
as we're at it.
Communities with Ebola should be napalmed from
the air to prevent the spread of the disease. Because nothing could go wrong
with that plan.
If we don't close ALL the borders, EVERYWHERE,
then we're all going to DIIIIIE. Because that's what happens, I guess.
Ebola is actually an air-born virus, but the
government doesn't want you to know, because it would ruin their plans for
death camps and the destruction of the conservative base. Because conservatives
are so likely to hang out with black Africans from the West Coast of Africa?
The government has a vaccine for Ebola, but
won't release it to general public because... reasons?
The World Health Organization and the Centers
for Disease Control are intentionally allowing the epidemic to spread in Africa
so the U.S. will be induced to increase foreign aid. Because really,
sacrificing people to a horrible death in order to induce more donations is
what all people whose life's work is the eradication of disease do. It just
makes sense.
Ebola was genetically engineered as a weapon by
nefarious unknown persons, as opposed to the claim of those elitist scientists
who insist the virus reservoir is actually bats, transmitting to bush meat
animals. I myself suspect Russia.
10. Ebola
is a punishment from God to punish the wicked. I guess the wicked only live in
Africa where the consumption of bush meat is common. Funny, that.
I could go on...and on...and on. The Drivel. Never. Ends.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but I have a hard time taking
the pearl clutching and hand-wringing seriously when every other outbreak
of this horrifying disease has resulted in a yawn and a resumption of watching The
Real Housewives of the Amish or whatever. This pattern of behavior leads me
to believe such health crises only matter when there's a chance that it will
affect actual, you know, WHITE PEOPLE, instead of those 3rd world brown folk.
I'm strongly reminded of how people "reacted" to the AIDS crisis when
they thought only those icky HOMO-SEXUALS were at risk and getting sick.
I'm not saying that appropriate precautions shouldn't be taken by
all nations. Nobody wants this scourge inside their borders, and managing the
public health is everyone's responsibility. And it will absolutely take a
Herculean effort to contain the spread in Western Africa - an effort that
should be taken up out of common decency in addition to an attempt to prevent
the epidemic from leaving the continent. But this isn't a conspiracy. It's
a string virus, spread to the human population through zoonosis.
Get a grip on yourself.
Re #7, because the RFID chip isn't ready yet.
You forgot to mention it also causes global warming....
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