30 Feminist Lessons in 30 years. Far wiser than I at that age. Also? Thanks, Mom!
A new early treatment program to help young people with the first signs of schizophrenia is being piloted in California. This makes me very happy, indeed. My own family was devastated because my daughter's mental illness was uncontrolled if not untreated. Earlier intervention usually equals better results.
More insights on why there's such a dearth of women in the STEM fields (in this case, computer science). Hint: Societal norms as it relates to boys and girls' interests play a role.
Nigeria has rid its country of Ebola. And not by napalming villages or executing victims, either. A lesson in public health and leadership. Well done.
The disingenuous anti-abortion crowd is at it again here in Colorado with their latest iteration of the Personhood Amendment. As most of my readers know, I consider abortion to be one of the few moral dilemmas of our time, but after a great deal of thought have come down on the side of a woman's self-determination. What's different about this year's debacle (as opposed to the 2008 and 2010 attempts, which experienced stunning defeats with 70% of the voting public voting "no") is that this version doesn't make fetuses "persons" across the board - only as it relates to Colorado's wrongful death and criminal code statutes. At least it's a more honest Amendment, essentially making abortion illegal without actually making abortion illegal. But it's still a POS law, and I have already voted with a resounding NO.
Chris Kluwe takes on the "Gamergaters" with his usual affection for creative profanity and insight.
Instead of a Video of the Week, this time we're going for a Comic of the Week:
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