Reading Program Winners!

Friday, September 11, 2015
The Fifth Annual Maureen "AJ" Ramey Memorial Summer Reading Program brought to you by Hot Chicks Dig Smart Men is over! This is a bummer for me, because it's an indicator of incoming cold weather, and I really don't like cold weather. I totally need to buy a tropical bungalow somewhere for my winter needs.

We read 442 books this year, which is a personal best for the Hot Chicks and Smart Men reading program! I think that's pretty awesome, and I may increase my own contribution to the Foundation next year to accommodate the many, many books we read each summer.

As it is, the big winner here is the Douglas County Libraries Foundation, who will receive the following donations from this year's contest:

Janiece will donate $300.00 to the Foundation (yay!)
NeuronDoc will donate $50.00 to the Foundation (yay!)
The Incomparable Anne™ will donate $50.00 to the Foundation (yay!)

For a total of $400.00 to the cause!
And now to announce the WINNERS* (drumroll, please).

279: MAW read An Unnecessary Woman, by Rabih Alameddine

365: Brenda read The One-Eyed Man, by L.E. Modesitt, Jr

Congratulations, winners! Please send your e:mail address to hotchicksdigsmartmen at comcast dot net, and I'll get your Amazon gift cards to you!

Thanks everyone, and we'll see you next year!

*The first random number was actually 223, but that was one of my entries, and I decided it was bad form to give myself a gift certificate from my own content. You're welcome.


mom in northern said...

Very Cool.....

Anne C. said...

*You are a class act, my friend. <3

Unknown said...

Wow! Didn't realize there was a prize. But I don't see why you couldn't get a gift card for yourself.....

Xine said...

Congratulations. It was fun. 442 is an awesome total.