Link Me Up, Scotty - Doing the Right Thing Edition

Saturday, January 9, 2016
Men in the Oregon "Militia" have been caught falsely posing as United States Marine veterans. Because of course they have. "I'm totally shocked that these fine, upstanding defenders of the Constitution have never served in uniform," said no vet ever.

The new nutrition guidelines have been published, and there really aren't any surprises.
Unless you're surprised by the fact that men from about 14 to 70 years old eat too much animal protein and that the meat industry has far too much influence in this country.

Obese associates don't give a rat's ass about employer incentives to lose weight. How utterly unsurprising. I myself find the entire employer-based health management trend incredibly offensive and intrusive, and I'm someone who wants to improve my body composition and health. I just don't want my employer involved in my efforts.

Video of my Heart: No Veteran Left Behind provides "Safe Passage" to the kids of Chicago's public schools in an effort to engage veterans in their communities and protect at-risk kids at the same time. I can't tell you how much I love this.

H/T Brother Larry


Anne C. said...

I love that video. Thank you so much for posting it, J. <3

mom in northern said...

That is way cool...