A psychologist's suggestions for picking the next leader of the free world. I love this, since he freely admits that only someone with narcissistic tendencies would run for president in the first place. We just need to make sure the winner is an emotionally healthy narcissist.
H/T Debbie the Librarian
America's most hated douchecanoe has taken the Fifth in front of the House Hearing on drug prices. How shocking. Not.
And the Confederate apologists are at it again, this time by deliberately baiting an HBC with their shenanigans. But they're not trying to antagonize, nor are they racist assbags, oh, no!
Things to say (and not to say) if you're pulled over by the police. As much as I support law enforcement, I hope I never, ever forget that they do not have my best interests in mind when we're in a confrontational scenario such as a traffic stop.
Alternatives to resting bitch face. I have made ALL OF THESE FACES.
The NEJM has a study on the effects on Medicaid of Texas defunding Planned Parenthood. How utterly unsurprising.
H/T NeuronDoc
This Toronto-based all-female boxing club will be "crashing" the pro-rape meet-up organized by professional douchenozzle Daryrush Valizedeh entitled "Return of Kings." I wish to fuck I was making that up, while simultaneously wanting to don my my own gloves and go punch this motherfucker and his dude-bro friends right in the head.
I admire Temple Grandin tremendously. The money quote: "I consider being well-known a responsibility," says animal behaviorist
Temple Grandin. "I want to see the geeky, different ones—labeled
autistic or dyslexic or ADHD—become successful." ME, TOO.
H/T Robin
Video of my Heart: The theme from The Last of the Mohicans on acoustic guitar by Luca Stricagnoli.
H/T Brother Juan
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