The IT guy at Hogwarts is a Muggle, and his job really, really sucks.
Matt Taibbi on Donald Trump. TL;DR: We're doomed. And we deserve to be. I found the part where he compares supporting Donald Trump to a fixation with autoerotic asphyxia especially scary, because I think it's true.
This is why there's a serious problem with medical research in this country. Negative results are still results, and provide valuable (if not sexy) data.
What it's REALLY like to work from home. I have worked from home full time for over a decade, and I have to say there's a grain of truth to these. Just this week, in fact, I contracted the Plague and I've ended up working even MORE hours than normal because I haven't felt up to going to the gym. So instead I...worked. And then felt guilty when I laid down for 1.5 hours on the day I felt the worst.
Ontario is now offering free university education to low income students. Canada's looking mighty good these days. I wonder if my company would sponsor a "corporate move?"
Video of my Heart: This 2006 FedEx commercial. Because I've actually heard less reasonable corporate positions than "you're fired for not using a service that hasn't been invented yet."
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