An Open Letter to the Coward Cory Gardner, Part 2

Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Dear Senator Gardner,

I am writing today to ask you to once again reconsider your support of the Republican Health Care Bill. 

News from the CBO reveals that 22 million MORE Americans would lose health insurance under this plan. How can you possibly support legislation that essentially condemns people to die from treatable and preventable diseases? How can you possibly think such legislation is moral, or in the best interest of your constituents? What values are driving your decision making process? It sure isn't compassion, concern, or empathy. Is it greed? Cowardice? Something even worse? 

Your current position is untenable, as you're essentially proclaiming that it's perfectly okay for 22 million Americans to be at risk of sickness and death as long as your gilded cage buddies get a tax break. Such values disgust me, and if you choose to vote for this bill, then you are disgusting, as well.

