Terry Gross interviewed Vice President Joe Biden, and the resulting recording is insightful, interesting, and moving. I do loves me some Uncle Joe.
Nikos Giannopoulos, Rhode Island's Teacher of the Year, is FABULOUS, and I love him.
It looks as though a number of sailors have been killed in the collision of the USS FITZGERALD and a Japanese container ship. I have many feelings about this news, but foremost is the always present knowledge that the profession of arms is dangerous, in more ways than one. This could have just as easily been me, or my son, or any of hundreds of sailors I've known over the years. Fair winds and following seas, my shipmates.
Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman takes a look at Congressional Republican's handling of the Health Care Bill and determines that the Party basically consists of Vampires and Zombies.
People suck so much, I can't even.
My favorite Christian Pastor takes on those who would conflate disagreement and resistance to our current administration to a failure of patriotism. I will put up my service and dedication to our nation and its people against anyone's, thank you very much. I haven't served as much, sacrificed as much as some, but it's a safe bet that I've served and sacrificed more than most, and the fact of my liberalism doesn't mean conservatives get to question my patriotism or my dedication to the well-being of the Republic.
Smart Man and all-around good egg David with his latest observations on the State of the Union. I especially like #16, although I myself frame the observation in this way: When someone says they're tired of being "politically correct," what they really mean is that they're tired of having to treat others with respect or face the social consequences.
ExtraNewsFeed give us...18 reasons 45 is a better President than President Obama.
Star Trek: Discovery has announced its premiere dates. BEGIN GEEKERY.
Oh, look - our allies aren't taking 45 seriously, and are now going so far as to publicly mock him. While I can't really blame them - after all, 45 has to be one of the most unserious political figures in history - this does not bode well for our position on the world stage.
Today's Sources:
- NPR: A mainstream media source with a left-center bias and highly factual reporting.
- The Washington Post: A mainstream media source with a left-center bias and highly factual reporting.
- The New York Times: A mainstream media source with a left-center bias a highly factual reporting.
- Stuff That Needs to be Said: The personal blog of Pastor John Pavlovitz.
- 4 Quarters, 10 Dimes: The personal blog of professional historian David.
- ExtraNewsFeed: Satire and humor. Their tagline: "The same political rants you see on Facebook, but they’re well written."
- StarTrek.com: All things Star Trek
- Vox: On-line media source with a left bias and highly factual reporting.
That interview with Vice President Biden was just lovely!
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