First, the requisite manly image for my male readers:
That's right. An M1 Abrams tank. I don't care who you are - that's some manly shit right there.
I have an appointment tomorrow at our local "anti-aging spa." I'm having some spider veins zapped with a laser, and beginning the process of removal for one of my tattoos. The spider veins shouldn't take too many treatments - the areas are less than the size of quarter each, and I'm getting it done before they turn huge and ugly. The tattoo, however, is probably going to take six (or more, probably more) treatments.
I'm not complaining about the course of treatment. I knew when I got it that tattoos were PERMANENT and that having it removed would be costly and probably painful. I just have the horrifying feeling that each treatment is going to be more painful than the last, and I'll end up giving up at the mid-point. While I don't care for the tattoo anymore, I don't want it replaced with a big smudgy mess, either.
I suppose I'll just have to commit to finishing the treatment before I start it. Wish me luck, fellow Hot Chicks.
Good luck with the zapping. I also have a few spider veins I've been thinking of getting zapped (but only slightly, I have other things I want to spend the money on).
Oh, wait. I'm a guy.
Ah, Abrams. Sweet. We have a Bradley across the street for our demos. Has the Bushmaster and TOW Package (which means a whole different thing than getting the "tow package" on your chevy). Climbed through one at our Family Day. Those things were made for people 1) 3" shorter, 2) 150lbs lighter, and 3) Young and dumb (these days, Semper Gumby I am not).
Ah. Big things that go "boom" when you want them to.
Love the manly image intro. Well done.
So inquiring minds want to know what is this tattoo of and why do you no longer care for it? (if it's not too personal of course)
I have a friend who got a tattoo removed.
She said it was far more painful than getting the tattoo itself, however, there was no appreciable increase in pain level from session to session.
I think it also took her a year or so to get the tat removed--way more than 6 sessions I'm pretty sure. (her tat was prob 3"x4" and on her shoulder)
IIRC, ice immediately after the session worked wonders for helping her feel better. So stock up on ice packs.
Thank you for the manly picture; it seems to be a metaphor for my day - advance, destroy, repeat ;)
I think you are very brave to have the tat removed. Not just on the pain front, but on the evaluation front as well. Good luck!
Ahh, the M1-IP. Good times, good times. Got a lot of miles in one of those...
What Michelle said about the friend having one removed, and the ice packs, though hers was only 4 sessions for some line art.
Interestingly, the captcha word shows the cheaper method, but it's for the really hardcore group: grate
Ooh, ooh, can I be an honorary Hot Chick so I can comment on your tattoo removal? Huh, huh?
OK, good.
Remember that's how Ted met his future ex-fiance, getting a tat removed. It doesn't bode well for your future. I mean, she ran out on him at the wedding! What's up with that?
Ice can be administered topically for pain, or mixed with adult ingredients and taken internally. If I remember right, internally administered ice in adult solution was a specific for many ailments. Good luck.
Maybe you've explained it before and I missed it because I'm kind of dumb in the social arena, but (as CkretsGalore asked) why are you getting the tat removed?
Since your tattoo is black, it will go pretty smoothly. It's the colors that WON'T BUDGE. (Green is the worst)
While they are zapping it is like a rubber band being snapped against your skin, but when it stops - it stops.
I have found that it is good to wait about 2 months in between treatments as it seems to fade more. Or maybe you can just see the fading more?
Okay ladies and germs, at 55 years old I have seriously been considering getting my first tat. May I ask why all of you are getting them removed? Will I probably regret getting one? The one I have designed has personal meaning to me, does that help? And it's tasteful...Kevin Spacey naked on a horse. Just kidding about that last part, but not the rest.
boactio -- New SyFy made-for-TV movie about Hispanic uncles that turn into giant snakes and strangle the shit out of immigration hypocrites.
Kidding about that last part...? So it's just Kevin Spacey naked?
If I could get a pic of Spacey naked, I'd consider it... although Bill might really have a problem with that one.
Mrs. Bitch, I am getting mine removed because it was just flash and not something personally designed for/by me. The ones that I have that are unique are staying.
Oh, and yes, they hurt.
I don't regret any of them.
I look at the history of tattoos (like how bronze age people apparently used them to ward off evil) and like that link with a more primitive culture.
If I had any guts whatsoever I would get a full back piece done with bamboo.
Mrs. Bitch, I have tats, though obtained only within the last 5 years, and I'd have to agree with Janiece. Because I designed mine myself and spent a long time thinking about and drawing them, I am much less likely to want to remove it (right now, I don't, and I certainly do not anticipate it ever, but you never know).
Sorry for the delayed response - I spent yesterday running through airports thanks to the INCREDIBLE COMPETENCY that is our corporate travel agency.
I have four tattoos. The only reason I'm no longer interested in keeping the one I'm removing is because it no longer accurately reflects who I am. Or as the Mechanicky Gal notes, "I'm over it." Since I'm not interested in getting it covered up, removal is the option I chose.
Sometimes women get tats removed simply due to gravity. The hummingbird on the breast at age 21 is now, at age 55, a vulture.
Paul makes a valid point. I may end up removing the one on my stomach, as well.
I took Paul's point into account when I decided where to put mine. No tats on parts that sag a lot! (Everything sags eventually, but some less than others.)
Thanks for the replies Mechanicky Gal, Anne and Janiece. Now it's just a matter of finding a skilled tat artist - the one tattoo guy in the little burg where I live is not all that talented.
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