Boogie Blogging Friday

Friday, October 14, 2011
Peel me a grape.

Here's the Incomparable Boogie™ attempting to convince me that the grapes I had with my lunch SURE WOULD TASTE GOOD. While I know grapes are contra-indicated with canines, sometimes he manages to convince me that just one won't hurt him. C'mon, Mom, JUST ONE. He's never experienced any distress as a result, so I guess his 100lb frame manages to digest the single grape just fine.

In other Boogie-related news, he's going back in for surgery on Thursday the 20th to have another lump removed under a local anesthetic and a tranquilizer. It's been oozing and such, and needs to be removed. He's such a lumpy dog that we don't have them surgically removed unless they cause him discomfort, but this one now qualifies. Poor Boogie.


Dr. Phil (Physics) said...

Max -- our dachshund from the 60s -- adored grapes. He could be asleep in his bed two rooms away around two corners and fast asleep... and if you opened the refrigerator for grapes, but not anything else, he'd be there at your feet before your fingers could touch the bag.

It was uncanny.

Our next dachshund was into apples.

Dr. Phil

Juan Federico said...

Our original chow chow Subotai, loved grapes. And we indulged him. Lots! He knew when he had eaten enough too.

vince said...

Mmmm.... grapes.

And poor Boogie. He will not be happy with his mom making him go in for more surgery. Nope, not happy at all.

Phiala said...

Aw, poor Boogie. Grendel is lumpy too, but so far hasn't needed any removed.

I hope all goes well.