My Week, Part 1

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Is it just me, or are the Republican candidates* for President just Chock Full O' Nuts? They all think they've been called by god to serve, and their tax plans run from the ridiculous to the obscene. 9-9-9? Because what the rich need is a lighter tax burden, and what the working poor need is a larger one? Really? 


Honesty in professional relationships is important. Seriously. I'm never going to be mad at someone for being honest. Who knows? I may even make an effort to change my support model based on your input.

Robert Bork has informed me that women are no longer discriminated against in this country. I'm so glad that's settled, especially by an old, privileged white dude. Because nobody would know more about being discriminated against than him. I guess now I can quit bitching about my imaginary status as the only woman in the room and that whole "equal pay for equal work" thing.**

If I offer to do work for you, and you refuse based on the idea that you can do it oh-so-much-better than me, don't expect to land on the top of my to-do list when your broke-ass shit isn't working the way you think it should. Yes, I realize that makes me petty. So?

Boogie the Giant Schnauzer got a haircut yesterday, this time with the benefit of arthritis medication. While he still needed frequent breaks, he was more comfortable. He'll be ten next month, so I think that's probably the best outcome we can hope for, and I'm okay with that. I love my Boogie-Dog, and I don't want him to suffer if we can help him avoid it.

I am becoming profoundly bored with my University studies. I don't know if that means I need to take better classes or take a break. I only have nine classes to go in my degree program, so I think I should just suck it up, buttercup. But I'll probably still bitch and cry about it.

*With the possible exception of Jon Huntsman, but we all know he'll never get nominated.

**I do in fact earn comparable pay for my work, but there are many, many women who do not, regardless of what Robert Bork thinks.


vince said...

If I offer to do work for you, and you refuse based on the idea that you can do it oh-so-much-better than me, don't expect to land on the top of my to-do list when your broke-ass shit isn't working the way you think it should. Yes, I realize that makes me petty. So?

No, it makes you a person who refuses to allow the bad decisions of others set your priorities. Especially when
they arrogantly chose to make it.

And Bork is a crotch enema. :-)


Thordr said...

Is it that the class is not challenging enough? The most bored I was ever in college classes was when I was not challenged in the class (I especially hated it when knew the meterial as well as the professor and could not test out (telling a 20 year old he needs to stay in becuase he has things to offer the class durring discussion didnt make it better, still too imature at that point)) Pardon the ramble.

Steve Buchheit said...

Yeah, the crazy sure has been on display these past two weeks. Hell, Huntsman didn't even bother to show up for the last debate.