Taking a Break

Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Today is my last day of work for a while. I'm taking Wednesday through Friday off, and Monday is a holiday, so I'm getting SIX FULL DAYS OFF IN A ROW.

I'm not one of those people who will check e:mail or voicemail while I'm on vacation. When I'm on vacation, I'm incommunicado, off the grid, not reachable. Because if I wanted to work, then I wouldn't be on vacation, you see.

I don't really have any plans, other than to clear my mind and try to get some perspective. It's been a long six weeks trying to close The Project That Apparently Never Ends™, and I need to decompress for a bit, and settle into a schedule that includes more balance and less high blood pressure. That way I can start the New Year with a smile on my face and a song in my heart. Or something.


Gristle McThornbody said...

Well, you probably won't see this, but have yourself a Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year! Give Boogie and the Smart Man and Smart Kids all a skritch behind the ear from Auntie B, kick back and enjoy.

Janiece said...

Jeri, I'll still be on-line, just not available for work.

And thanks - you, too.

Warner said...

It drove my boss nuts that I would not give him my cell number, if he wanted to call me the company could supply the cell.

Phiala said...

Enjoy, refresh, recuperate.

Anne C. said...

Oooh, maybe I'll come and visit you during that time off. :) I have to see what's going on with the parents and my job, but things have lightened up a wee bit at work, so I will be able to take some time off myself (am taking tomorrow to go snowshoeing in Breck :).
Have a wonderful time off, my friend.

Random Michelle K said...

HUZZAH for time off from work! I don't go to work again until NEXT YEAR! WOOT!

And Warner, I refuse to give my cell number out to the people I support, except in EXTREME cases. As in, I gave it to ONE user who I suspected was going to have problems, and her boss is a hard ass and I didn't want her to freak out when something went wrong.

She didn't taunt too many people who the fact she had that number. :)

Janiece said...

See, Michelle, this is the benefit of working in telecommunications. When I'm traveling, I bridge my work number to my cell through a CTI application we sell, thus making me "reachable" on the road without giving out my cell number. When I'm at home or on vacation, I TURN IT OFF.

I <3 technology...

Phiala said...

My postdoc and my officemate have my personal email address.

My officemate has my cellphone number because we do social things too.

That's it for work contacts. The admin office knows the house phone number, of course, but only calls in case of emergency.

I'm forbidden to check my work email outside of work. (Which is an incredibly dumb rule, and I milk it for all it's worth.)

Dr. Phil (Physics) said...

Warner, you've got it absolutely right!

Merry Christmas to you and Boogie and all.

Dr. Phil

reta said...
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Janiece said...


Carol Elaine said...

Enjoy your break, Janiece - you've more than deserved it. Hell, you deserve it just for not punching out certain people.

My bosses and my cubemate have my personal cell number, but I gave it to them because I knew they wouldn't abuse it. And they don't. (Also, as a non-exempt government employee, they're not legally allowed to call me in when it's not my usual work hours.)

Like Phiala, I'm not supposed to check my work email from home. Doesn't mean that I don't if I'm home sick - I just like to make sure that nothing critical has popped up that could be handled by my cubemate. That's the extent of it.

The very happiest of holidays to you, the Smart Man, Smart Kids and Boogie!