That's a lot of money for a crayon drawing

Saturday, May 19, 2012
Remember back in March when I was somewhat skeptical about my current college course, Discovering Creative Energies but was trying to keep an open mind?

Yeah. Hours and hours of my life that I won't get back.

I fucking HATED maintaining that journal. Every week I was required to create three pages, one a "guided" entry with the theme provided by the professor, and two "free form" entries on whatever I wanted. Every week I would sit down and wrack my brain trying to think of something to draw, or paint, or color. And every week I would feel inadequate, untalented, UNCREATIVE. At one point I drew a picture - in crayon - of the bottle of beer I was drinking, I shit you not. And this is COLLEGE LEVEL WORK.

Now that I'm done with the journal, I have come to the conclusion that whatever creativity I may have knocking around inside my head is fully realized by writing for my blog and sending fugly metal chickens to my friends. In short, I did NOT "discover my creative energy." I discovered that $1,960.00 is a lot of money for a crayon drawing.


Juan Federico said...

Can post a picture of the beer bottle in question for viewing? Pleeeeease??

Janiece said...

Let me think....NO.

Phiala said...

I'm pretty sure I could teach that class. My version would be interesting, useful, and relevant.

Creativitiy is crucial. Crayon drawings? Not so much.

Anne C. said...

I totally agree, Phiala. (And I'd love to take *your* class. The one Janiece was subjected to, not so much.)

cindy said...
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Janiece said...


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Janiece said...