Things I've Been Doing instead of Blogging, Revisited

Friday, May 11, 2012
It's been a pretty crappy week here at Hot Chicks Dig Smart Men, and I haven't really had the motivation to write much. Here's what I've been doing instead. 

1. Blowing my nose. The Smart Man generously shared his infectious germs, and I've been fighting off a spring cold.

2. There's been pretty significant layoffs in my organization this week. I've been alternating between:
  • Being grateful that I was not placed "at risk."
  • Experiencing Rage Against the Machine because several of the folks who were placed "at risk" were teammates of mine for whom I have professional and personal respect.
  • Wondering why the fuck it's called being put "at risk." There's no risk here - these people lost their damn jobs. Perhaps HR has some devious plan to have the unfortunate unemployed chased out of the building by Giant Corporate Squids, so they're "at risk" of being eaten by monsters from the deep. Hey, it could happen - who the fuck knows how the Mind of Corporate America works?
3. Eating shit that's not good for me. Like Girl Scout cookies. And chocolate. And garlic cheese biscuits from Ruby Tuesday. I gained .6 lbs last week, and I'm not really on track to do much better this week. But I've been maintaining my work out schedule, so I'm not turning into a complete slug. Just a partial slug. Sort of like a slug-based chimera.* Who eats garlic cheese biscuits.

4.  Going to Ohio for a customer meeting. Of course, half of the presentation was scheduled to be given by a teammate who is now at risk of being eaten by Giant Corporate Squids, so I was scrambling to figure out how to manage that DELIGHTFUL SURPRISE.

5. Getting ready for a visit from my Hot MIL. Unlike a lot of women, I actually enjoy my MIL, and I'm happy she's coming to see us. Given that our Awesome, Awesome Niece is also her Awesome, Awesome Granddaughter, we were wondering if we were ever going to see her again if she was given the choice between us (chopped liver) and the baby (Awesome). Not that I blame her. Given the choice, I'd choose the Awesome Baby, too.

6. Getting Human Rights whiplash along with every other supporter of the LGBT community. NC: Boo! President Obama: Yay! Colorado Legislature: Boo! Governor Hickenlooper: Yay!

Comment of the week on this subject from the Smart and Superlative David: "I do not believe in gay rights. I believe in human rights. When someone can convince me that gays are not human, then and only then will I take them seriously. Until then, no."

7. Finding and ordering the perfect gift for my good friend Michelle. When it arrives, Michelle, remember: WE SHALL CALL HIM RICKY MARTIN.

*I will send jam to whoever creates the best visual representation of a "slug-based chimera."


Stacey said...

You've had a tough week gurl. I agree, it has been quite the roller coaster as per #6 on your list. We'll see how well I do in Vegas this week with food. I plan on working out as well as doing a lot of walking, but I won't have control over the food at the conference it's all included and we gets what we gets. Except for the yummy dinner I'm planning on having at VooDoo Lounge - courtesy of a vendor - the rest is a crap shoot. And by crap shoot, I mean loaded with crap. Hang in there J.

Random Michelle K said...

Yo! Back off dinging yourself for "overeating" during a stressful week. You still managed to keep up the exercise. That's not even PARTIALLY slothful. It's called being human. Which you are.


Also? I'm totally afraid of what the package could be. ^O.O^

Janiece said...

No need to be afeered, Michelle. It is AWESOME. With AWESOME SAUCE.

And thanks for yelling at me. :-0