Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-even more immoral
So Mitt decided on Paul Ryan for his running mate. Because evidently nothing says "My private industry experience will save the country from utter destruction at the hands of the browns and the wimmin" like selecting a running mate who's fed at the public trough his entire life. And the right is apparently completely oblivious to the cognitive dissonance inherent in this choice.Of course there's always the possibility that they're completely aware of it, and simply don't give a crap because the far more important goal is pandering to those who a) have bought and paid for their politicians, or b) vote against their own interests as a matter of course rather than vote for the scary brown dude and all he represents. So there's that.
Really, it's a sickness
After returning from Virginia on Friday, I got back into my normal exercise routine on this weekend, which meant I ran six miles as soon as I got up on Sunday. And I liked it. If that's not a bona fide sign of the impending apocalypse, then I don't know what is.Seriously, what is up with this? I have gone from someone who swore the only time she'd run anywhere is if she was being chased by ravaging hoards of giant squids to running six miles three times a week. When I have to skip a day due to circumstances (like business travel), I feel it, and don't like it. It's like I don't even know me anymore, but I think I better accept my new normal and stop being gobsmacked at my new-found physicality. I'm a runner. Word.
Ah, irony.
While you, the Squid Runner is enjoying her new found enjoyment of running, I, the one who has always said "It's crazy, I know, but I like running" is now on a No Running restriction. I'm stuck with biking and elliptical, both of which I dislike. I can walk, but after walking to the grocery store this weekend, I recognize that it should be limited.
AND my sister has bought the Zombie, Run! game that I enjoyed so much I ran more than was good for me when I tried it. Which means both of you will be having more fun than me. Grumble grumble grumble.
--- pity party done --
Engage reminders that at least I'm relatively healthy, have all my limbs, and the theoretical solution to my running ills are more exercise and time. :/
Oh, and I so agree on Ryan. When I heard his family company is in road building, I, as a daughter of a USDOT engineer had a good ol' guffaw at the congressman's expense. So if he's successful with his crazy ass teaconomics, his town will be all out of a job. "Local boy makes... good?"
You're a runner?!
I thought you'd like that. ;)
That's awesome, though. Exercise is habit forming. Your brain is like GIVE ME THE CHEMICALS I MUST HAVE THEM. (Whence I'm thinking of riding my bike today even though I'm getting a head cold and should probably just lay down...)
Rachael, taking care of your body should be habit forming. I guess.
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