I Hope

Monday, March 25, 2013

Tomorrow the Supreme Court of the United States will hear oral argument on Hollingsworth v. Perry, the case challenging California's ban on same-sex marriage. On Wednesday, the Court will hear oral arguments on U.S. v. Windsor, a challenge to Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). 

I'm not going to spend time discussing the merits of the two cases or the possible outcomes. There are many, many people on the Internet who are far more qualified than I who are discussing that daily. 

What I'm going to talk about is hope. 

Hope that after these cases are over, my daughter will be able to marry whom she chooses, in any state in the Union.

Hope that after these cases are over, my daughter will be able to speak for her chosen partner in case of medical emergency, and that her partner will be able to speak for her, without relying on the generosity of their partner's parents.

Hope that after these cases are over, my daughter and her chosen partner will be able to enjoy the financial benefits of marriage, to include survivor's rights.

Hope that after these cases are over, my daughter and her chosen partner will be able to present themselves as spouses, legally and in every state in the Union, without having to explain themselves to self-righteous bigots.

Hope that after these cases are over, the door might be open for my daughter and her chosen partner to adopt a child on the same basis as a straight couple. 

For my daughter and for all who came before her, and all who will come after, I hope. 


Phiala said...

Did you hear this Storycorps interview with Tracy Johnson on NPR last month? Her wife Donna Johnson was killed in Afganistan; both women were in the Army.

I cried. It shouldn't be like that.

I hope after this it won't.

Janiece said...

Phiala, I did. And I was very thankful for all their sakes that Donna's Mother had her head on straight.

Phiala said...

Oh yes. She was very nearly the only redeeming feature of the whole thing.

Having to give back the wedding ring... I can't even imagine.

Megan said...

Sharing your hopes from way up north.

Carol Elaine said...

From your fingertips to the USSC's ears, dear Janiece.

*crosses everything*

Anne C. said...

I hope.