Last Night's Conversation

Tuesday, September 24, 2013
So we were watching TV last night, and this came on:

Me: That movie should totally be called "Geriatric Escape Plan."

Smart Man: "Escape from the Geriatric Ward."

Me: All they need is Bruce Willis to complete the cast!

Smart Man: No, it already looks bad enough as it is. No need to make it worse.



mom in northern said...

I think I will pass
Thanks any way...

neurondoc said...

How about Harrison Ford?

Anne C. said...

More likely "An Attempted Escape from a Reality In Which I am No Longer a Super Movie Star"

Janiece said...

Anne wins.

Tom said...

"This preview has been approved for Appropriate Audiences."

Are you an appropriate audience? Really?

Juan Federico said...

It's like "Space Cowboys" in Prison!!!!!

I can hardly wait to go see it. :)

Thanks for letting me know about this Janiece