Miscellaneous Monday, Return to the Salt Mines Edition

Monday, September 30, 2013

Sixteen tons*

I'm returning to work this morning after about four weeks out on short term disability from my hysterectomy. I'm dreading the process of coming back up to speed (all those e:mails - ugh), but I'm able to sit at my desk for eight hours now, so it's time. I think it's also time I try to reengage with my daily activities, and that includes working for a living. I don't know how effectively I'll be able to execute on that goal, but I'm going to try. I'm lucky that I have such excellent colleagues who have taken up the load in my absence.

Sixteen tons...of knitting

While I was out on disability, I had a lot of free time on the couch. Which means I spent a lot of time listening to books and knitting. Which means I complete 87 pieces for the charity bag, including four lap robes for the Cheyenne VA Hospital. So there was at least some level of productivity over the last month.

Run away, run away - or not

I'm still not cleared to resume running - that probably won't won't happen until the end of October. And I've been surprised by how much I've missed it. When I've been taking my daily recuperative walks, I see runners on the trail, and I want to tell them that I, too, am a runner, evidence to the contrary notwithstanding. I'm just FORBIDDEN at the moment. DON'T JUDGE ME.

Because they're ideologically driven jerkwads, that's why

Led by the inestimable Ted Cruz, with plenty of help from his friends. And enemies. And acquaintances. 

The government is going to shut down at midnight if these ignorant clowns don't pull their heads out of their asses in a timely manner, and the polls have already started as to "who's to blame" if such an event actually occurs. Being a dirty, dirty liberal who is actually GLAD that people might get a chance to have health care, you can imagine on which side of the argument I fall. But I also think the President needs to show some leadership here.

Meanwhile, my son won't be getting paid, and a number of my friends and colleagues will be taking mandatory furloughs. All because these petulant children can't come to some sort of compromise.

Back to kindergarten, jerkwads.

*I just love that song. Yes, I know it's before my time. I don't care.TENNESSEE ERNIE FORD, YO.


Anne C. said...

First of all, I love that song too. must write it down so I can put it in rotation for listening!

Second, I know exactly what you mean on the running front.

And third, yes, Congress needs to grow up and live and work in the world adults. Adults figure out how to get things done. It isn't always how you'd like to do it, and it certainly doesn't make us happy all the time, but things get done and progress gets made.
(An article I read recently pointed out that "millennials" are starting to be elected to higher offices, which is where the sense of entitlement comes from. Not sure if I want to tar the group with the same brush as the do-nothings in Congress, but it's an interesting theory.)

Stacey said...

Another day older and deeper in debt. Fortunately, those days are in the rear view - I hope; knock, knock, knock (penny).

JR is going to take me for walkies tomorrow - yay!

Good Luck today my friend. Hang in there. xoxo

Dana Teel said...

I only wish sending them back to kindergarten would work. That would be a great solution! :D