How I Am, Part 2
Well, I'm not really sure, actually. Physically, my recovery from surgery is starting to accelerate. I walked for a full hour yesterday, and felt okay, although I spent the rest of the day exhausted. I can sit at my desk for about 4 hours before needing to retire to the reclining couch. I have my follow up appointment tomorrow, and I think I'll be returning to work in about a week. So I have that going for me.Emotionally, I'm still struggling. I still cry every day. I'm still emotionally anxious. I'm still not really up for discussions about how my daughter chose to end her life, or about suicide and suicide prevention in general.
But I'm better than I was a month ago, which I suppose is all I can really hope for.
Tribute in Ink
On Saturday my cousin and I went to get my tribute tattoo. As I noted before, I combined the design my Awesome Auntie Kris did and the one Moe designed for herself for my design. My Hot Cousin got another of the designs my Auntie created. As soon as it heals (and I get some touch-up done), I'll post a photograph, along with appropriate credits to the artists involved.THE BEST HEALTH SYSTEM IN THE WORLD
Not. At least when it comes to the administrative part of the show.I've never had to apply for Short Term Disability. The only other time I was out of the office for more than a day or two was when the twins were born, and the military handles these things quite differently from the civilian sector.
Crap on a cracker, what a colossal pain the ass. No one knew where my surgical report was. Once we tracked that down, the hospital seemed constitutionally unable to fax the damn thing to the administrator my company uses for Short Term Disability. The claim is still pending, because apparently proving to the insurance company that I actually had organs removed is far more complicated than the actual procedure. Sigh.
I went through a long term disability procedure 23 years ago and it was crap on a crapper, too.
Too many papers and not enough humanity.
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