Miscellaneous Monday - Singularity Edition

Monday, September 23, 2013

We sincerely apologize for the singularity

So I've been using a Motorola RAZR MAXX HD for about a year. I liked it at first, because I was traveling a lot and needed a phone with a spectacular battery.

But over the last several months, its responsiveness has been, shall we say, less than optimal, regardless of how many times I cleared the cache. When the Smart Man and I go to look up information on our phones at the same time, his iPhone 5 retrieves the search results far in advance of the Motorola, on the same network. And the Facebook application blows big chunks. And for some reason my favorite navigational application was merged with Google Maps, and now I hate it with the fire of a thousand burning suns. You get the idea.

My line was eligible for an upgrade, so Saturday we went off to the Verizon store to see if they had any iPhone 5s' left in stock. They did, and now I own the 32GB model. The advantages to me are that I now have the responsiveness I require, a navigation application that doesn't make me want to throw my phone in a ditch, and if I need additional battery life when I travel I can always purchase a battery extender for about $100. Bonus: I can now use a single device for both my communication and audible entertainment needs, instead of carrying both a phone and an iPod when I exercise. So I have that going for me.

This means, of course, that I now have more recent technology than the Smart Man. This caused a singularity in the space-time continuum, and so I would like to publicly apologize for the destruction of our universe due to my punking my spouse on the technology front.

Good thing I don't believe in the woo

Because if I did, I would swear the universe has some sort of issue with our getting new carpet for the Big Yellow House.

Our refrigerator is the original cheap-ass model that was installed when the house was built in 1996. It's been on its last leg for some time, and we've had it repaired once, but we commonly get frozen vegetables out of the crisper, murky water from the dispenser and other signs of the coming refrigerator apocalypse.

So when the water dispenser just stopped working yesterday, we decided it was time to stop talking about getting a new fridge and go buy one, which will be delivered on Thursday.

We don't have much to complain about, actually - our repairman told us that anything we got after about twelve years was a bonus, and the thing has lasted seventeen years. Thankfully this is the last of the household appliances to be replaced, so I'm hoping we're good for a while. Regrettably, this expenditure will set the carpet fund back about $1,400.00.


We sold Moe's Mazda on Saturday. A very nice woman needed a new commuter car and didn't want to spend a lot. She was courteous, prompt, and organized, which made her about 100% better than the majority of buyers (and sellers) on Craigslist, so the transaction was pretty painless.

I'm relieved that it's sold, of course, but also profoundly sad. Selling her car feels like a significant milestone for some reason, even though I know intellectually it's just stuff. 

Obviously I still have emotional work to do. Like for the rest of my life.

Because really - what I need is more sleep problems

One of the odd things about losing my daughter is the fact that I haven't really had an increase in my insomnia. Usually when things go wrong in any way, my sleep is the first thing to go, but this time, I've been sleeping through the night on a fairly regular basis.

Instead, my subconscious has been spending its time processing my grief through my dreams, and each morning, I wake up feeling emotionally drained and not really rested. Because evidently my insomnia only kicks in when my anxiety is caused by something stupid.