Link Me Up, Scotty - Mansplaining Edition

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

A statistician talks about how men automatically assume she is unqualified to discuss statistics. And then mansplain how she's wrong to assume they're mansplaining. Angels and ministers of grace, defend us.

On what it means to be middle class in America. While the Smart Man and I are financially secure now, there were many years where I did not meet the "$400 emergency" criteria. and I remember it like it was burned into my brain with a blow torch.

Freddy Mercury's voice is unique among rock singers, and now we know why. What an amazing talent.

There's a suicide prevention and mental health bill in the Senate right now that needs our support. Please consider e:mailing your Senator to help make this bill a law.

H/T Sister Stacey

How to say "no" with grace. I could learn from this author. I'm much better at saying "no" these days, but sometimes it comes out a bit harsher than I'd wish, as in, "I'm not doing that. Stop asking me." Of course, I'm only that abrupt when someone won't take my gentler "no" for an answer. Because remember kids, when people won't take no for an answer, they're trying to control you.

H/T Lynne

I love this idea, at least for part of the year. A vacation home on the water!

H/T Tempest

A fascinating description of what it's like to be aphantashic. This is a Facebook Note, so I apologize to those without a Facebook account.

H/T Sister Carolyn

Harriet Tubman was a complete and utter bad ass, worthy of our respect and admiration. A true hero, and a fine choice for the first woman to grace our paper currency.

H/T Brother Juan