Link Me Up, Scotty - Justice Edition

Saturday, April 16, 2016

A Marine officer who was teaching at the Naval Academy is found guilty of conduct unbecoming an officer, indecent conduct and fraternization with two Midshipmen. He thought he was getting a raw deal, so he convinced an investigative reporter from The Washington Post to do an in-depth investigation of the case in an effort to boost his chances of exoneration. Be careful what you wish for, cupcake. There's not a single person in this story that didn't exhibit poor judgement at the very least, and Major Mark Thompson deserves whatever he gets as long as it's not full retirement.

H/T Shipmate Jim

Porn sites have banned NC users from their sites due to their discriminatory bathroom law. Karma, you are a spiteful bitch, and I love you for it.

H/T Brother Juan

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sottomayer on why the Supreme Court needs more diversity, not only in terms of race, gender and creed, but in educational backgrounds, too. The more I read about her, the more she's becoming my platonic, semi-celebrity, same-sex girlfriend. Although she'll have to work pretty hard to displace the Notorious RBG.

The Daily Show takes on trans bathroom panic, with predictable results. Featuring none other than our old friend Gordon "Chaps" Klingenschmitt, famed asshat, whackadoo, bigot and purveyor of fantasy.*

From the I'm apoplectic with rage files: Mental health professionals in Tennessee will soon be able to refuse to treat members of the LGBTQ community because their religious bigotry trumps their oath to heal. I find this particular piece of shitbaggery to be especially infuriating and hurtful, for what should be obvious reasons.

H/T Sister Stacey

Overlanding the Silk Road is a film by Nicolas Bori, who spent 120 days following the ancient route of the Silk Road, which took him through China, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey. Fascinating.

H/T Brother Juan

It appears the Republicans in charge of the Benghazi investigation doctored the records to make Secretary Clinton look bad. I'm shocked - shocked! - that the partisan nonsense in Washington would lead to such an event, said no literate American ever. Make sure you link through to the source document to guard against bias.

Sarah Palin agreed to debate Bill Nye the Science Guy, but then thought better of it. So she's not a complete moron, then.

ETA: Oh, wait, yes she is

A fascinating article on the alien intelligence of Octopus, in the wake of the now-famous Inky's clever break for freedom from a New Zealand aquarium. I love octopus, and now I have a new book in my wish list.

H/T The Incomparable Anne
*He still embarrasses me to death, y'all.