Birthday Goodies

Sunday, July 19, 2009
As I mentioned yesterday, my Amazon account runneth over from my birthday, and The Smart Man gave me my gift some time ago. What more could a Hot Chick want?

How about an afternoon with a personal shopper, along with some money to spend once I reach my goal weight? I had mentioned to the Incomparable Anne that my sense of style is somewhat retarded by years of wearing uniforms, years of being an exactly average-sized American woman, and years of wearing my jammies and bunny slippers to work each day. So she and the rest of the UCF got together and paid for a half day shopping experience with Stacey, the proprietress of G2 Solutions.


And if that wasn't enough, I received an 8 1/2 x 11 "card" from the UCF. It's more like a book, really, including photos, signatures, stories, and cartoons. The well-wishes were spelled out on Farmtown plots, in semaphore, in poem form. And there's a whole section from the mysterious "Evan," who couldn't really write his own well-wishes due to an accident that left him somewhat incapacitated.

Thanks, you guys. You are the BEST!


neurondoc said...

Do we get to see what the final version looked like? I'm dying to. :-)

Tania said...

Semaphore rules!!!

Jim Wright said...

Pictures please.

Also, just because it can't be said enough, Anne, she rocks.

MWT said...

Yes, i've been waiting impatiently for pictures of this thing since Friday. >.>

Janiece said...

Anne's going to put together a pdf for your perusal, I believe.


Anne C. said...

This is true. I'm working on it, folks.

And, I'll point out that the surplus monies that didn't go to Stacey will be used to purchase items on this famous shopping trip. Knowing Stacey's mandate for smart/effective shopping, this'll go a long way.

Eric said...

I'm grateful to all who helped me in my time of one-handedness. And a little frightened. What did they say?

Janiece said...

They said you wanted to move to Colorado and become my Cabana Boy.

Jeri said...

Well, that's truthful enough. Except he needs to become a migratory cabana boy.

I'm really glad you like your gift!

Eric said...

Salary? Benefits?

Janiece said...

You get to be in the UCF Seraglio. What more could you possibly want?

Jim Wright said...

Jeebus, Eric, the benefits should be obvious.

Cabana Boy = All the free towels you could ever want.

What? Who doesn't want towels?

Eric said...

For obvious reasons, I've recently come to value a halfway decent health insurance plan over the past month and a half. Nothing like seeing "amount you owe... $0.00" at the bottom of a pricey ER bill, or getting away with an affordable co-pay on a $10,000 surgery bill. (While the other guy's insurance will eventually reimburse that, certain interested parties expect to be paid, you know, now in-whole-or-by-installments.)

I consider being in the Sergalio more of a "perk" than a "benefit." Not that it isn't a dream-come-true. :-)