It's time for the June 'Tard of the Month voting, and this month's contestants include Pat Buchanan, whose sense of entitlement is excelled only by his dumbassery; Elaine Martha Valasquez, whose child flew out of her car when she was busy behaving like trailer trash; Willie Brooks, who thinks that gasoline is a fabulous accelerant for a family BBQ; and sneaking in just under the wire, Sally Kerns, whose bigotry and hypocrisy set a new standard for Republican windbags everywhere.
What say you, Hot Chicks and Smart Men?
I think some months you need an "All of the Above" catagory...
But I went with the dim bulb that hurt her kid. Don't hurt the kids.
had to vote for Pat, because his stupidity and 'tardedness continues to gain momentum.
I had a hard time choosing but I went with Pat. Who else has such consistent longevity as a tard?
Have to go with the child-endangering morons every time.
I figured Pat endangers all of them at the same once - he got my vote.
Isn't Pat Buchanan's 20 minutes of fame so over? Hear me, oh mainstream media?
Kerns and Buchanan would normally be at the top of my list, but stupid people who should not breed endangering their babies? Get my vote every time.
I don't think it's fair to the other competitors when you put Pat Buchanan in the running.
They're all morons of the first order. Must close eyes and point to screen
Hey, I pointed at "neurondoc (Google Account)". Now what do I do???
Konstantin, you may be right. Perhaps I should have a special 'tard category for right-wing religious nutbars?
I voted for Buchanan: the only really valid argument against him, in my opinion, is that he's overqualified to compete against such amateurs, making him practically a ringer. Like Michael Jordan competing in a shirts'n'skins game in the park, or if the late Bobby Fischer had shown up at a high school chess-club match.
Pat's a 'Tard For The Ages. 'Tard Of The Millenium or even 'Tard Of The Century are probably hyperbole, but if you were listing, say, the "Fifty Biggest American 'Tards Since WWII," he'd be a shoo-in, easy.
For once, I'm in the majority! Woohoo. Fuck you Pat Buchanan!
I'd go with Buchanan.
Concerning gasoline as an accelerant for charcoal grills. Purdue used to have an annual contest to time who could get a charcoal grill going the fastest. They called it off when somebody soaked the charcoal in liquid oxygen overnight.
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