'Tard of the Week - Pat Buchanan

Thursday, June 4, 2009

This video pretty much speaks for itself. If you want a discussion on why Pat's a hypocritical windbag who proves his 'tard status every time he opens his mouth, check out Jim's entry.


vince said...

Most of that ilk is, like Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Hannity, etc. What I love is how they never remember what they said 6 months ago or a year ago, then contradict themselves when they go all pit bull.

Janiece said...

Vince, not only do they not remember, but their fans appear to have a short memory, as well.

neurondoc said...

Well, that was not a hard pick for this week. They just make it so easy.

Anonymous said...

What's even more amazing is not that they don't remember what they've said, but that they don't remember that they've been caught on tape saying it. When confronted with their own hypocrisy, they scream that they've been taken out of context, even when the offensive speech is played out in its entirety.

They're not 'tards. They're fucking assholes.

vince said...

Come on, Carol Elaine, tell us how you really feel :-)

And yeah, those quickest to actually take things out of context are the first to scream that it's happening to them, even when it's not.

Jim Wright said...

Yeah, it's getting harder and harder to be frothy asshole in the information age where everything is recorded for posterity.

I'm not saying you can't be a hypocritical asshole, because obviously you can, but it's getting a lot harder not to get called on it, with video evidence.

What chaps my ass about Buchanan, is that here's a guy who basically condemns everybody and everything, but has not actually done anything himself. He tries to come across as some holier than thou, experienced worldly guy - but he's really nobody. And I mean nobody. He's a famous conservative asshole, famous for being a conservative asshole. Nothing else.

Why anybody give him the time of day is beyond me.

Janiece said...

Jim, he is the single reason I no longer watch/listen to The Mclaughlin Group.

I like listening to well thought out, defensible positions that differ from my own, but I can't see any value in listening to him.