Frank Lombard is an associate director of the Center for Health Policy at Duke University. Five years ago, he adopted an infant boy.
And last week, Mr. Lombard was arrested for entering an online chat room and trying to get an undercover detective to come to North Carolina and have sex with his now five year old son. He's been charged in Washington with attempting to induce someone to cross state lines to engage in sex with a child. If he's convicted, the maximum sentence would be 20 years.
We will now pause so you can go hurl.
Christ on a crutch.
If these allegations are true, it seems apparent that the only reason Mr. Lombard adopted the child in question is so he could use the poor child as his sex toy (he admitted to the undercover detective that he was sexually abusing his son). Clearly, the guy hid his predilections pretty well, since he was able to adopt and was employed by a prestigious university.
These are the types of stories that generate internal dialogues in my mind:
I don't know what's going to happen to Mr. Lombard, and quite frankly, I don't really care provided he's never in a position to hurt another child. I am concerned about the child, though - will he receive the help he needs to get past this, and live a relatively normal, balanced life? I sure hope so.
Mummy Janiece: Burn him. ::froth, froth::
Liberal Janiece: Settle down. You don't know if he's guilty or not - he deserves a fair trial.
Mummy Janiece: He deserves to have somebody go to work on him with a pair of pliers and blow torch. Fucker.
Liberal Janiece: He was probably abused as a child and never got any help.
Mummy Janiece: So fucking what? He's an adult now, isn't he? Adults are responsible for their own actions. He was trying to pimp out his five year old child, for fuck's sake. Who does that?
Liberal Janiece: Well, if the allegations are true, then it seems obvious that he's damaged in some fundamental way. It's possible the damage can never be fixed.
Mummy Janiece: Oh, I can fix him, all right. Pass the pliers.
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
Another Candidate for under the jail. Geez, it's getting crowded under there. Gonna have to clean out all that slime that's accumulating down there!
And I know how to use a scapel. Between that and your pliers I think we can eliminate the problem!!
I'm with you on the blowtorch. Remember, I'm a metalsmith - I think we could solder or weld a chastity girdle in place WHILE ON HIS BODY.
If he's a pedophile, he can't be fixed. He needs to be put away until he dies. Period.
Although the emotional side of me really likes Jeri's idea. Sadly, you don't need working parts to sexually abuse a child, so I'm not sure how much good that would do beyond, you know, that feeling of satisfaction that comes with a job well done.
The fingers can come off too, Vince.
You know how you click on someone's picture and the hair stand up on the back of your neck? I've only had that happen a few times, most notably, David Miscavige (Scientologist Leader), and this guy.
Evil, I give thee name and it is Frank Lombard. I'm all for the pliers idea.
Fingers come off at the shoulder blade. Not happy about reading crap like this.
Dr. Phil
Unfixable, most likely.
Chemical castration or the real thing? The mantra of medical students and residents is "see one, do one, teach one..." I've seen a penectomy once (for cancer of the foreskin; it was heart-breaking). I'd be willing to give it a whirl even though there are reasons (like shitty fine motor control) that I am not a surgeon.
Associate Director of the Center for Health Policy?
Health Policy?
Dr. Phil
Dr. Phil, my irony meter went "sprung" on that one, too.
Natalie, poor fine motor control would be a plus in this operation.
Yes, John, I realize that poor fine motor control is a bonus here. I was just pointing out that was why I don't get paid to do surgery. :-)
Give to me.
It won't cost the taxpayers a dime, and I guarantee you he won't ever hurt another child.
Janiece, I have the same internal dialog and find I am more comfortable with an 'eye for an eye' mentality here.
I think if I was in a room with this guy, you'd have to pull me off him. I don't need pliers or a scalpel.
See, I think y'all are being too kind.
Convict him, give him chemical castration and send him to prison. Put him in general populace and let everyone know what he's in there for.
Lombard will be squealing "Deliverance"-style in no time.
The parts of me that are both savage an practical have ideas for people like Lombard.
First hand him over to headshrinkers, to try and understand what makes assholes like that.
Then hand him over to med schools, a lot can be learned from vivisection. Either under general anesthesia or after pithing him like a frog, because i am not quite THAT savage, besides, the screaming would get in the way of the learning.
enough with all the bla bla blaing just shoot him , no rehad no prison just death then we can all move on
Welcome, Daniel.
There's a part of me that agrees with you.
She's usually shouted down by the part that believes in the rule of law, unfortunately...
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