Loot! Loot! LOOT for ME!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

This arrived in the mail today from the hilarious NeuronDoc. That's right, it's a plush ebola. How cool are my friends? Seriously, how cool?

Thanks, NeuronDoc! You made me laugh out loud.


Random Michelle K said...

Oh MAN! I wish I'd have thought of that!

Plush microbes are the BEST!

neurondoc said...

You know, I've been patting myself on the back ever since I saw and bought that. I figured you could take it into work, put it on your desk, and nobody would be the wiser as to why it was there. >:->

I have the flu and mad cow microbes and am awaiting the giantest neuron and, of course, rabies (foam, foam)...

Janiece said...

Doc, twisted minds think alike, because I am TOTALLY going to do that if I end up with a job that requires I leave the house.


Anne C. said...

That is SO awesome, Natalie!