You Shall Be GREEN With Envy! GREEN, I Say!

Friday, June 5, 2009
This morning the Incomparable Anne™ and I will be flying to San Diego for a weekend visit with frequent commenter and gal-pal extraordinaire The Mechanicky Gal. Ordinary Goddess and UCFer Carol Elaine will be joining us this afternoon.

Like most of my San Diego visits, the agenda for this venture will include alcohol, spa services, Mexican food, uncontrollable laughter and a complete lack of productive activity. Last time The Mechanicky Gal's Sarah Palin imitation made me cry I was laughing so hard, and The Mechanicky Guy thought we had a screw loose and fled the scene.

As usual, we will attempt to blog our activities here as our schedule and BAC permit. Don't hold your breath, though - with four of us on the ground, we may be too busy fending off the police to entertain the masses.

You may now commence gnashing your teeth in an envious manner. SQUEE!


vince said...

Gnash! Gnash!

::turning green like the Hulk but not all clothes-rippy like the Hulk::

neurondoc said...

Definitely green. Have a great time. And if you're arrested, just call Jim.

The Mechanicky Gal said...

Wheee! Off we go to the races!
The Mechanicky Guy already has his cave all set (the bedroom), and he alternately calls us "The Princesses" or "The Bobitas" (the Dolls) (I may have the spelling wrong), so we are all set!
Continue with envious teef-gnashing! You betcha!

Geek Goddess said...

Jealous? Much!

kimby said...

We want pictures...and twitters too!!!!
Have a wonderful time!!

Jim Wright said...

And if you're arrested, just call Jim

Yes, please, do call if you're arrested.

So I can laugh.


Random Michelle K said...


waily waily!

Have fun and don't forget to txt!