May 'Tard of the Month

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
It's time once again to vote for May's 'Tard of the Month.

This month's candidates include "Joe the Plumber," who has turned out to be a gift that keeps on giving for the Democrats; Thomas and Manju Sam, whose belief in the stupidity that is homeopathy cost their daughter her life; and the United States Air Force, who decided to discharge a decorated combat veteran for the unpardonable crime of being gay.

I think I missed a week in there somewhere...I'm sure it's the fault of Farm Town. Evil, evil game...

What say you, Hot Chicks and Smart Men?


Anonymous said...

This was a tough choice for me, but I went with the Sams, since the death of their daughter was the result of their stupidity. But the Air Force is a very close second, because y'all know how I feel about that subject.

mfheadcase said...

The Sams, because their mix of stupidity and evil lead directly to the death of a child. If the USAF's stupidity with Don't Ask Don't Tell gets anyone killed it will at least be indirect.

Joe the plumber is at least mostly harmless.

Nathan said...

I went with the Air Force...'cause they really ought to know better. The others can plead total ignorance (or in Joe's case, irrelevance.)

neurondoc said...

I debated between the Sams and the Air Force, and the Sams won by a nose. They killed their kid. Both are hot-button topics for me (or hot-foamy topics, if you will).

vince said...

Tough decision for me as well, in part because DADT could get military personnel killed by discharging people whose skills could have made a difference had they been there.

But that couple murdered their child. There is no other word for it. And that makes them tops in my book.

Random Michelle K said...

Child killers. Oughta go to jail forever.

(dark look)

Er... hey! Look! Tin foil!

(runs off)

Steve Buchheit said...

Quit bogarting the tin foil, Michelle.

I had to vote for Joe. The AF is following regs, which IMHO are stupid, and the processors don't have the cajones to stand for what's right. The Sams are now a glaring example to others of "What Not to Do." But Joe is pernicious because other people want to be "just like Joe."