'Tard of the Week - Thomas and Manju Sam

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
This sort of story makes me physically ill and enraged all at once.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam are proponents of homeopathy. They had a baby girl, who they named Gloria Thomas. At the age of four months, little Gloria developed eczema, as many babies do. Gloria's pediatrician referred her to a dermatologist. Her parents, who think they know more than an M.D. due to their homeopathy training, decided that little Gloria didn't need no stinking dermatologist.

By the time Gloria was six months old, the eczema had begun weeping and her clothing and diapers would stick to her skin and tear it whenever her parents changed her.

I'm quite sure you can figure out how this story ends. Gloria died from septicemia in May 2002, because her skin literally lost its integrity and ability to keep out infection.

The Sams are now standing trial for manslaughter by gross criminal negligence.

What the hell is wrong with people that they'll allow their child to suffer and die in order to prove their pet theories and unsubstantiated beliefs? If adults want to ruin their own health and possibly die wallowing in their own stupidity, I really don't give a rat's ass. In fact, please do, and we'll nominate you for a Darwin Award. But a baby? How can anyone attempt to justify this behavior?

This really goes beyond the ''Tard" category and into the realms of stupidity-enhanced evil. Fucking 'Tards.


mfheadcase said...

**twitch** Good thing i am not a prosecutor (or even a lawyer) because if i was i would try my damnedest to upgrade their charges to first degree murder.

Janiece said...

Welcome, Michael.

I'm kind of with you. Liberal, enlightened Janiece is chronically at war with Mommy Janiece when I read stories like this:

LEJ: There should be a consequence, because their daughter is dead. But it's not like they meant to kill her.

MJ: Who gives a crap what they intended? Their stupidity killed a baby. Up against the wall, say I!

Etc., etc. Being civilized is such a pain in the ass...

Steve Buchheit said...

Considering all the evil f$%king things that people do to their children, Liberal Enlightened Janice, what makes you think they really didn't intend to harm their child?

WendyB_09 said...

Sad thing is I'm dealing right now with two nursing home cases with similar outcomes.

When people are at their most helpless stages of life, they really do need to be protected and nurtured. Not tortured and ignored.


Janiece said...

Steve, part of liberal, enlightened Janiece's character is that she always gives people the benefit of the doubt (even when there doesn't appear to be any).

Please note that Mommy Janiece sometimes thinks liberal, enlightened Janiece is a squishy, unrealistic Polyanna. And in fairness, liberal, enlighted Janiece sometimes thinks Mommy Janiece is a raging, uncivilized bitch.

I hate it when my personalities can't get along.

neurondoc said...

You only have two personalities? It gets exciting if there's at least 4 in there...

And, Janiece, I WILL. NOT. ENGAGE. I fucking hate complementary "medicine" with homeopathy pretty near the top of the list. (walks off muttering and spitting)

Janiece said...

Sorry, Natalie. But you and I are on the same bus on this one.

neurondoc said...

[BLAM] Head has exploded from thinking about this too much... My vote for 'Tard of the Month is already cast -- it will be hard to top this one.

Jim Wright said...


This, and idiots like this, is my answer when people ask me what the harm in bullshit snakeoil crap like homeopathy, riki, crystals, and prayer healing is.

I'm with mfheadcase, these people should be tried for pre-meditated murder.

DBB said...

The post, and the comments, are all very predictable.

Feel like a challenege?

Try and argue it from the other side at www.getalawyer.com.au/public_html where they try and chamption the cause of the underdog in any given case.

Janiece said...

DBB, I'm unsure why you think I should "argue" it from the other side.

The scientific method has proven that homeopathy doesn't work. These people killed their daughter by failing to provide an accepted standard of care.

What's to argue? Gloria is dead, and her parents are responsible.

DBB said...

I am note sure what the elements of gross criminal negligence case are but 'standard of care' should feature in the equation.

What is reasonable may, in these cirumcstances, depend on cultural mores. And in India, at least according to the opening address of the Defence Counsel, doctors and homeopaths are regarded as being on an equal footing.

If that is the case and the court, and jury in particular, accept that the parents behaved in accordance with their cultural conditioning then the matter may perhaps not be as clear cut as what you say.

Smart men dig chicks who can see both sides of the equation :)

Janiece said...

I believe the Sams were living in Great Britain at the time of their daughter's death. Therefore, the "Standard of Care" should be that of the country where the death occurred. I also admit to less familiarity with the laws of England, and unfortunately, our resident attorney currently has a broken arm and hasn't been posting much.

However, while Great Britain certainly accepts homeopathy more readily than we do here in the States, the bottom line of the case is that Gloria is dead. Let me say that again: The baby is DEAD.

Seeing "both sides of the equation" does not make little Gloria less dead, or her parents less culpable.

If your opinion is that these folks should not be held accountable for the death of their child...well, it's a big Internet, and there's room for all opinions. I believe I noted up-thread that I find Liberal Enlightened Janiece and Mommy Janiece to be somewhat at odds on issues of this type. When it involves a dead baby, though, usually Mommy Janiece bludgeons Liberal Enlightened Janiece into submission.