Loot! Loot! LOOT for ME!

Saturday, May 16, 2009
I got my birthday present from the SmartMan yesterday. Yes, it is two months early. No, I don't like waiting.

That's right, folks - it's a piece from the UCF's resident artist, Jim Wright of Stonekettle Station.

When Jim posted the photos of this piece, I immediately cried "dibs!" and informed the SmartMan that I wanted it for my birthday. Jim and the SmartMan worked out the details, and now it's being displayed in what is fast becoming the Jim Wright Shrine.*

Thanks, SmartMan! Thanks, Jim!

*But not in a way that makes me a creepy, creepy stalker.


Jim Wright said...

Jim Wright Shrine?

I don't like the sound of that - it's sounds so, uh, post-mortem.

Glad you liked it, Janiece. Happy Birthday.

WendyB_09 said...

Happy early birthday

-sez the bright-green-with-envy chick in Atlanta!!


Janiece said...

Not really post-mortem, which is why I felt compelled to issue my non-creepy, creepy stalker disclaimer. :-)


vince said...

Ooo... pretty.

Jerry Critter said...

That is indeed a beautiful piece of work. Congratulations to Jim for making it and congratulation to you for owning it.

Oh, ...and happy birthday in a couple of months.

Anne C. said...


And you're not Jim's stalker
**whisper**run, Jim, run!**whisper**
not at all. ;)

Happy early birthday!


Janiece said...

Anne, I wouldn't be Jim's stalker even if I wanted to - I'd be afraid of Mrs. Stonekettle Station.

Steve Buchheit said...

Well, they gave it to you early so it would be a surprise.