Sunday, May 17, 2009
My irony meter broke this morning, and it's all Nathan's fault.

Remember our January 'Tard of the Month? Dale and Leilani Neumann neglected their daughter Kara to death by praying for her recovery instead of getting her treatment for her juvenile diabetes. Kara subsequently died, and Leilani Neumann is currently on trial for homicide in Wausau, WI. Her wackadoo husband's trial is scheduled to start in July.

So Nathan sends me a link to an article this morning reporting that as the trial began, Leilani Neumann experienced some sort of physical collapse, and subsequently received a medical evaluation by science-based medical professionals.


The presiding Judge made the decision to call 911, so I guess it's possible that Mrs. Neumann was ready to pray her collapse away before the paramedics were called.

Either way, Nathan owes me a new irony meter.


Jim Wright said...

Well, personally I'd like the story better if the ironic part was that when she got to the hospital the doctor tried to pray away her medical condition, and she died.

But hey, that's just me. Not a lot of sympathy for these people.